Need some help with a friends bricked droid 2


Oct 24, 2010
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Need some help with a friends rooted/overclocked droid 2

Hey guys, I'm new to this forum and this is my first post so if it is in the wrong section please let me know or let an admin know so they can move it into the correct section.

okay, I'm trying to help a friend out who rooted and overclocked his droid 2 and it essentially bricked the phone.. It will turn on and make it to the "M" screen and then just turn off and turn back onto the "M" screen and continue this cycle until you take the battery out.

I'm not sure what method he used to root the phone but he said it was a one click root program of some sort. He does not have SPrecovery flashed to the phone currently I don't believe.

After he rooted it it ran fine until he used an app to overclock it and come to find out the individual who wrote the program admitted a few days later he made a couple of big mistakes while writing it.

Before reading that my friend used the program to overclock it to 1.3ghz and now it is doing what I stated above.

I can connect it to my pc via usb and the computer and RSD lite both recognize it but when I try to flash SPrecovery to the phone it fails and says "failed flashing process. Unable to retrieve initialization values from INI file. (0x7029)".............. Is there any way this phone can be saved or is it bricked forever? lol

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.. and again I am new to the forum and new to rooting and all this stuff so please take it easy on me if I have misstated something or like i said possibly posted in the wrong section... thanks so much guys!
if you can get the M logo it is not bricked. You need to flash the SBF file. I unfortunately dont have a droid 2 so cant be of much assistance other than tell you its not bricked. If RSD lite is finding the phone you're ok. Im guessing the sbf file lost some packets of data while being downloaded or something of that nature. Try downloading it again, if anything just flash it back to stock and start from scratch
thank you for the info, I know that the data in sbf is all good and there wasnt a problem downloading it because its the same file i used when rooting my phone. I think there is an issue with some of the files on the phone that are keeping it from allowing anything to be flashed to it.. In the regular bootloader or whatever it is that you get to from using the x+power button option we have tried every option in there such as wipe data and factory reset and etc. ... this has not helped or done anything for us.. could you possibly tell me how to go about "[flashing] it back to stock and [starting] from scratch" as you said? that would be very helpful so I can try that and post my results. thanks again so much!
im gonna have to look around for a minute, the bootloader is accessed by the volume up or down key(cant remember ill look into it) the x and power button is to access your recovery which since you dont have a custom one you wont be able to access nandroid backups or make them. Do you have the droid 2 also because if im reading correctly (based on what it says on your profile that you have a droid 1) you used a droid 1 sbf on a droid 2. That will definitely not work. Ill get back to you in a minute though with some links, hopefully we can get this sorted out
sorry for not clarifying, i do have a droid 1 but this is my friends phone and it is a droid 2... so sbf does not work with the droid 2? is there a different one i can flash to the droid 2 that will work?
awesome man! let me try it out and see if i can get it going :) ill let you know what happens
just keep in mind the droid 2 is very different than the droid 1 so make sure you follow the instructions exactly how they are written up. The droid 2 is much more unforgiving so there is little room for error.
will do man!.. thanks again so much. wish me luck lol
okay ive got a question before i begin the flashing process.. it talks of two different things that must be flashed to the phone.. im assuming the rootzwiki moto bomb is downloading one of those things but where do i get the other? or does rootzwiki moto bomb download both of the things that need to be flashed?
as far as i can tell you just need the files from the downloader and then extract the pst_flash.ini from the zip file that is downloaded. The only other thing you need to download is RSD lite. the only problem im seeing as i read on is that the phone has to be operational for this method to work. Im gonna try and find a different method for this
i could be wrong about that because im not exactly sure how the droid 2 works on this but try the method i linked to you. Ill keep looking.
okay thank you.. im gonna see if i can do this method by turning it on using the "up directional arrow+ power button" method.. that is how i got SPrecovery onto my droid 1.. but as you said the droid 2 is a whole different ballgame so who knows if it will work. thanks so much for your help.
thanks for continuing to look for me.. ive searched myself but i can seem to find the right word combo to get any helpful results