Need help opening and reading files from my app


New Member
I'm new here and I'm not sure this forum can help me. I'm developing an app based on my Windows app. Both work. BUT I want to permit users to look at the files on the phone, and select one for use by the app. I code in C# and Xamarin. The code which lets the user see the files is this:

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ActionGetContent);                 
StartActivityForResult(intent, 1);

And that works OK but I don't see how I can "capture" clicking on the file to open it. Sort of like with FX.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

DWB(aka Ron)


Staff member
I'm new here and I'm not sure this forum can help me. I'm developing an app based on my Windows app. Both work. BUT I want to permit users to look at the files on the phone, and select one for use by the app. I code in C# and Xamarin. The code which lets the user see the files is this:

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ActionGetContent); 
StartActivityForResult(intent, 1);

And that works OK but I don't see how I can "capture" clicking on the file to open it. Sort of like with FX.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

DWB(aka Ron)

Welcome to The forum.. unfortunately I don't think we're going to be able to help much ...