Need Help on Rooting the Motorola Milestone A854


New Member
Sep 12, 2011
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It has been about 6 months that I've been planning on rooting the my phone. Now after doing research I've found out that my phone is similar to the droid in terms of software and that anything that roots the droid will do the same for this particular model milestone. Can anyone please give me any instructions on rooting the phone, the requirements to rooting, how to be able to upgrade my phone from 2.1 to 2.3 and on will my phone still have its 3g/data package once rooted. The last part is really important to me because I want to know will my phone still have access to its data package once its rooted and have the os 2.3.

Any help would be highly appreciated.
Disappointed long time and no one replied to this person's question.

I don't know A854 rooting is same as droid of same type but I do know rooting only gives your the permission to read write in root of the device, so only by rooting your data connection should not be effected. I am not expert but it at least not effected my data connection.
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