How to use Droid X without activating?


New Member
Jan 9, 2012
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH, USA
I recently upgraded from a Droid X to a Galaxy Nexus, and I'd like to give my Droid X to my little sister so she can play games and such. So after activating my Nexus and making sure everything I could transfer over was transferred, I did a factory reset on the Droid X. But the first thing it wants me to do is activate it! And I don't WANT to activate it - I want to continue using my new phone, and I don't want my sister to actually have phone service! How can I get past the activation screen without activating the phone?
Glad we could help! (LOL!)

But seriously, you will want to put the phone into Airplane mode first, then turn on WIFI and that thing will give better than a week on standby for battery power! I do the same with my son and my old D2.
Glad we could help! (LOL!)

But seriously, you will want to put the phone into Airplane mode first, then turn on WIFI and that thing will give better than a week on standby for battery power! I do the same with my son and my old D2.

I do the same thing. My son uses my old X and he absolutely loves it!
Yeap. I even bought two extended 3,500mAh batteries for it...that kid can play games virtually non-stop (except for the battery swap) for the entire day. He brings it along while we're driving around on the weekends and there have been days we were on the road from 8:00am to 11:00pm, and his batteries didn't run out.

At home on WIFI (and through the WIFI Hotspot while in the car), he can surf the web and play online games too. Funny thing is he thinks he's got it so bad because he has to be with us through all the driving around...ROFL.
Glad we could help! (LOL!)

But seriously, you will want to put the phone into Airplane mode first, then turn on WIFI and that thing will give better than a week on standby for battery power! I do the same with my son and my old D2.
Airplane mode seems to disable wifi... btw, is the forum broken? Pressing enter doesn't enter a newline! (I'm using IE10...)