[GUIDE] Milestone XT720 - Apps2SD and Froyo JIT

Is there a better guide for Step 1?

I think i can handle them other than step 1. Because i don't know how to partition my micro SD Card.
alright, you must flash your device.
this may take.... 10~15 mins? thats all :D

i think, the problem, why it hasn't worked, is, that you haven't formated your SD Card correctly. it should be like this:
8 GB SD Card => ~6,5gb FAT32 (with "boot"), ~1gb EXT2 or EXT3, at least 128MB swap
and of course, in that order!

EDIT: @ darkpig: just download GParted Live (ISO-Image) and boot it. Your Computer should take no damage, because it boots from the CD. Then format your SD Card as I said or as in post #1.
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So i cannot use a virtual drive and mount GParted Live?

Edit: I have no idea how to use GParted Live.
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Thanks, I installed only JIT without the need of formatting my SD card.At the moment I have no need for apps2sd.

Performances improved and it was really fast and easy!

Sent from my Milestone XT720 using Tapatalk
I encountered this problem(screenshot).
What does that mean?
I have rooted and partitioned my sd card using gparted live.

EDIT: I'm able to install JIT but not apps2sd, anyone has any idea why is that so?
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Hey great guides. Anyway does anyone knows how to determine if JIT is enabled?

Sent from my XT720 using Tapatalk
I encountered this problem(screenshot).
What does that mean?
I have rooted and partitioned my sd card using gparted live.

EDIT: I'm able to install JIT but not apps2sd, anyone has any idea why is that so?

That error of "Error loading ext2.ko, exiting script ..." means the ext2.ko modules was not able to load into the kernel. This normally means the microSD card is not partitioned correctly.

  • Make sure that the first partition is fat32 and flagged as boot (and primary)
  • Make sure that the second partition is ext3 (and primary)
Edit: I just uploaded a bug-fixed copy of the xt720-optimizer.rar. The only changes made were to force the overwrite of ext2.ko if it already exists and remove the line which gives "bad mode" on theme install. These were just minor annoyances.
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erm... i did follow the steps thoroughly but what does 128mb swap means? i don't see that in the guide... but yeah i did formatted my sd card and its okay i guess. just that i don't get the part where someone mentioned about the swap thingy. is there a way to check whether my apps are really in apps2sd partition after installing any apps or games? thanks to the people who made this xt720 into a powerful device!
erm... i did follow the steps thoroughly but what does 128mb swap means? i don't see that in the guide... but yeah i did formatted my sd card and its okay i guess. just that i don't get the part where someone mentioned about the swap thingy. is there a way to check whether my apps are really in apps2sd partition after installing any apps or games? thanks to the people who made this xt720 into a powerful device!

The 128MB swap partition is not actually necessary at this time. I don't even know now to enable the swap space on the microSD card so the OS can use it. It's not going to hurt anything to have it, and it might be useful a few weeks down the road.

I would suggest you use an app called Android System Info to verify your internal free space after installing several apps.
Hey great guides. Anyway does anyone knows how to determine if JIT is enabled?

Sent from my XT720 using Tapatalk

Easiest way, imho, is to just run the Linpack benchmark. If you are seeing scores upwards of 5 mflops then it's working :)
thanks again. i will do just that. thanks for the greatest support! you're the best!
That error of "Error loading ext2.ko, exiting script ..." means the ext2.ko modules was not able to load into the kernel. This normally means the microSD card is not partitioned correctly.

  • Make sure that the first partition is fat32 and flagged as boot (and primary)
  • Make sure that the second partition is ext3 (and primary)
Edit: I just uploaded a bug-fixed copy of the xt720-optimizer.rar. The only changes made were to force the overwrite of ext2.ko if it already exists and remove the line which gives "bad mode" on theme install. These were just minor annoyances.

I used App2card to format SD card into FAT32 and EXT2 (not EXT3!!!) and get this error:
Installing APPS2SD, please wait...
insmod: init_module '/system/lib/modules/ext2.ko' failed (File exists)
Error loading ext2.ko, exiting script ...

EDIT: ok. After reboot, I tried again and this error disappeared. Could be because used App2card in previous cycle that reads ext2. After reboot, I didn't launch any app, just used adb immediately.
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it says format your sd card to fat32. you need to make space for the apps2sd to take place with ext3. make sure its a second partition and primary. with that error code it means the sd card was not partitioned correctly. it works fine if you formatted your card correctly. the steps are quite precised. i have no knowledge of linux and partitioning of media drives but managed to get it correct for the 1st time. guess i'm lucky.
I encountered this problem(screenshot).
What does that mean?
I have rooted and partitioned my sd card using gparted live.

EDIT: I'm able to install JIT but not apps2sd, anyone has any idea why is that so?

That error of "Error loading ext2.ko, exiting script ..." means the ext2.ko modules was not able to load into the kernel. This normally means the microSD card is not partitioned correctly.

  • Make sure that the first partition is fat32 and flagged as boot (and primary)
  • Make sure that the second partition is ext3 (and primary)
Edit: I just uploaded a bug-fixed copy of the xt720-optimizer.rar. The only changes made were to force the overwrite of ext2.ko if it already exists and remove the line which gives "bad mode" on theme install. These were just minor annoyances.

Thanks for the great help!!
I will try to partition my sd card again when i have the time. Thanks again!
Hope it will work out well.

EDIT: The problem persists after i re-partitioned my sd card for another 2 times. I'm rather sure i did the partitioning steps correctly. Could the problem lie with the sd card itself or with the ext2.ko file?
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I'm new at the Android World (got my XT720 1 week ago) and I'd like to know if it is possible to "uninstall" all these to be able to get an official update to Froyo in the future.

Thanks for the help!