Google Now Evolves Again; Can Now Check Your Gmail for Inferred Calendar Events


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Google Now's relentless march toward self-awareness just took another evolutionary step recently. Those crafty Google engineers made the smartest software on the planet even smarter. A new feature has been implemented in Google Now for select testers which will allow Google Now to help remind you of calendar events you haven't even put in the calendar yet.

It does this by culling and aggregating information from your Gmail account to create cards based upon future date and time information provided. It then asks you if you would like to convert this info to a calendar event and add it to the calendar associated with your account. (Incidentally, this is on top of its ability to pull flight information from confirmation messages and do the same thing.) Overall, Google Now is becoming a very handy and useful digital assistant.

[Sidebar obscure Marvel reference add-on: One day we may no longer need a real life Pepper Potts, because Jarvis will be able to handle everything she could.

Source: AndroidPolice
I've really come to rely on Google Now. I've probably tried every single digital assistant out there. While most have some real promise, they generally shine in one or two areas, but miss the mark in others.

When it counts, Google Now has never failed me. It works seemlessly. The cards just pop up when I need them. The new feature being tested is just another example of Google's ability to anticipate what I need, just like a real life assistant would.
There's room for improvement as to the tasks that it will accomlish hands free while driving, but what it does currently do works flawlessly.

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