Galaxy S9 vs iPhone X Stereo Speaker Test!


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Oct 6, 2011
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The Galaxy lineup has been synonymous with horrid speaker quality over the past few years. After a few weeks with the S9 I'm blown away with the stereo speakers, but can they match the clarity of the iPhone X speakers? Which speakers do sound best to you?
Neither can sound any better than the device that we use to listen to the comparison....

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imo, as long as it sounds good when playing through an external speaker, the phone sound does not make a difference.
Definitely iFans trying to claim iphone x can hold on when I think if we were all honest to ourselves, we'd admit the s9+ sounded better.. I watched this video on an Axon7 app with stereo speakers that **** on both the s9 and the X and the s9 clearly gave out mid and bass tones that were barely present, if at all at times.. Also watched on a smart TV and more mids and lows from s9.. I guess if your used to crap speakers from previous phones that only have high treble as their capability, then X most definitely sounds better.. Lol..:D:D:D
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