Galaxy nexus vs Samsung stratosphere speed test


Nov 18, 2011
Reaction score
My mom has the stratosphere and I did a speed test side by side.

Two Samsung phones.

I was amazed and disappointed.

Of course the lower number is the nexus. For a flagship android device verses a phone that has all this bloatware I think its unacceptable.

You can't say its a Samsung problem because they are both Samsung.

I hope Google gets this right asap.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Am I missing something? They're both the this on 4g?

Sent from my DROID3 using DroidForums
Doing this is very unstable. You can literally do multiple tests on the same phone and have very different results.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
I ran multiple tests. The stratosphere out ran the nexus in every one.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
You may be missing the overall point. 11 down is super fantastic and way better than you had before. There is almost nothing that can benefit from being faster than that. Just be happy, hope for improvements and move on :)
That's not true. I had a razr and speed wise the nexus is slower. And I am hoping for an improvement.

I can't brag about a phone that does worse on a speed test than a more inferior phones.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
First test on my phone.
that doesn't mean anything as other phones could be pulling 50mbps in same area.

i've experienced same results comparing nexus vs thunderbolt. nexus won't register speeds higher then 12-15mbps in our house while thunderbolt constantly stays in 20-24mbps range.
I'm basically trying to say I would think this test should be the other way around.

While 11 down is great. Its not as good as 26 down.

Two phones on the same network should be close to the same speeds at least.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Exactly. Should the nexus be lower than that old tbolt?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
The Nexus just came out, with a brand new OS, the Thunderbolt's been out and tweaked 100 times and the Stratosphere is still using GB, once a phone matures it almost always improves it's data speeds and connectivity.

The software for a radio and the network is just as important as the hardware itself, do people still not understand this?
in my experience thunderbolt has been getting slower over time as more people are switching to 4g devices. when it was first released speeds were 30-40mbps while now they don't go above 20ish.
The Nexus just came out, with a brand new OS, the Thunderbolt's been out and tweaked 100 times and the Stratosphere is still using GB, once a phone matures it almost always improves it's data speeds and connectivity.

The software for a radio and the network is just as important as the hardware itself, do people still not understand this?

How can you use a contradictory statement. The nexus just came out. So did the stratosphere.

Your reasoning doesn't justify the differences to me.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums