Galaxy Nexus 3 Pin Landscape Dock On Samsung Website


Feb 8, 2011
Reaction score
Galaxy Nexus i515 Pogo Desktop Dock


Not yet available, but I hope this is a sign it's going to be coming out sooner than later.

Also the price says $89.99, but that is MSRP. Their site also says the Droid i510 Desktop Dock & Wall Charger is $69.99, but can be had on amazon for $32.

want the dock. don't want the price :blink:
IMO its definitely not worth it! I read that it doesn't have an HDMI port! 90 bones for a glorified charger! Blah

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Think I will wait and see what else comes out or maybe if the price comes down or go with a Dock that uses the USB port :blink:
It's not cheaper on amazon, that's for the charge.

Sorry for the confusion, the charge's dock is listed as $69.99 on Samsungs website but Amazon has it listed for $32, so my hope is we'll see a similar mark down on the nexus dock

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
apparently it's available now...

Yeap they have it in stock on Samsungs website, but Samsung will have a better chance of pissing up a rope than getting most people, including myself, to pay $90 for the dock

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I would only be willing to pay about $35 max for a dock. Any more than that would just be hard to justify for me since I wouldn't use it all the time

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I would only be willing to pay about $35 max for a dock. Any more than that would just be hard to justify for me since I wouldn't use it all the time

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

Same. $90?! I could understand it if it had speakers built-in, but all it does is ALLOW us to connect it to another set of speakers / headphones?! Not even an HDMI port?! Jeez, hopefully Amazon get's their hands on thie and get's it down to a reasonable $30-$40
I was hoping the dock would have been out sooner. But I don't really care anymore. Bought a mhl adapter and that works fine for what I need. Stream Netflix. Was under $20 from best buy on line.
The site says on backorder now. Lol. Maybe it was never supposed to go on sale? I don't think *THAT* many people bought this dock. It's way too overpriced.

I wouldn't be too sure, A lot of people have been waiting a long time for docks for this mighty phone. It's really ridiculous that after almost 3 months charging docks are just now released. But yeah, you'd figure after all that time they'd have more in stock than this lol
btw, I was one of the people that bought one. I used a gift card from my in-laws that I've had since Christmas, so I really wasn't out any money.

Got mine today, and the workmanship is fantastic. I don't know how much technology goes into the 3-pin configuration to justify that price, but the materials and build quality is superb. I sit at my desk at work or home quite a bit, so I will use this all day, every day. I'm very happy with my dock.