Free Wireless Hotspot (tether) ???


Aug 18, 2010
Reaction score
Phone: HTC Incredible, Rooted (unrevoked3), Android 2.2, SkyRider 2.5, Hydra 1.15 Kernal, Baseband 2.x.

I am trying to get the wireless tethering working. Droid 2.2 has it built in under Settings / Wireless connections. through there i am able to get my laptop and other devices connected, BUT it brings you to a Verizon page and wants you to sign up for the extra service.

I have tried to download the Wireless 3G Hotspot for Rooted users from both the Market, and but both i coudln't even get a device connected.

I have seen that there is software you can install on both the laptop and phone that will work as a tether.. BUT is there a way to get the wireless tether working w/o software on the computer?

looking for FREE wireless tether..
i'll give that a try.. any particular version i shoudl try? anything that needs to be done after it is installed?
i'll give that a try.. any particular version i shoudl try? anything that needs to be done after it is installed?

Always reboot after install of wifi tether. It's a must.

I would try the latest build out for your phone. If it doesn't work go back a build until it does.
ok that worked.. thank you..

i installed the latest version, restarted and it worked..

not sure Y it didn't work in the past.. last time i downloaded it form the Market, and also BUT i also didn't restart those times..

so it could be the restarting or the diff version.. but either way,..

...thanks for the tip guys! downloaded the correct app, restarted and I am now surfing the net with WIFI Tether for root users! Awesome!! Love my Droid...I mean rooted Droid!!
Would someone be kind enough to post "simple" step-by=step instructions on how to root the phone and then how to get around VZWs tether blocks? I see the "wireless_tether_2..." link that has been posted, but I have no idea what to do with that file once I download it. I'd really like to be able to enable my mobile hotspot and not get charged for 2 data packages considering I'm already paying for unlimited data. I still don't know how VZW can say they are 2 different items. It's like an internet company making you pay for the internet up to the modem (i.e. 1 computer) and then forcing you to pay to use that exact same connection on the other 2 or 3 computers in your home (i.e. home network via router/WIFI).

Thanks in advance


P.s. in case it's not obviously, I'm 100% new to rooting a phone.
I should also point out that I'm fortunate enough (or not) to still be running 2.1...

Tried that when I was running 2.1, and again now that I'm on 2.2, and it did not work for me. I dialed that number and got an automated message that "your feature update could not be completed. If you feel you reached this number in error, please try again." Am I doing something wrong?
You must be using the default dialer. I was using Dialer One and couldn't do it until I used the default dialer instead.

HEy, thanks for the response, but I have no idea what the "default dialer" is. I'm using the dialing keypad on the DI. Is that not the default dialer?>?

HEy, thanks for the response, but I have no idea what the "default dialer" is. I'm using the dialing keypad on the DI. Is that not the default dialer?>?
lol ... the default dialer would be the one you would be using if you didnt install another one. ;)

I use Dialer One, and that didn't work.

I guess you are using the default dialer since you don't seem aware that you can change it. In which case, I have no idea why it wouldn't work for you. Has anyone else reported that it didn't work? If not, I'd try again - I'd hate to be the only one that couldn't get it to work. ;)

Thanks. Well, for whatever reason, this time I was able to get into edit mode (hooray), but was unable to enter anything into the password box. I press on the '0' key, but nothing is entered in the field. Any suggestion?