For those about to root your phones...

Please, and I can't emphasize this enough, PLEASE read all instructions and research before rooting. If you are not technically adept, I don't recommend this at all. I am seeing a lot of cases of people rooting and flashing ROM's without even knowing how to go to system settings to see what version of the radio they are currently running.

THIS IS A RECIPE FOR DISASTER! Please research things THOROUGHLY and make sure you understand all aspect of rooting before doing anything. Otherwise, you will run a strong risk of bricking your phone and costing yourself a lot of money.

This is why this construction/science geek married a techie geek ... I build her a nice big closet she takes care of releasing us from the clutches of Verizon. dancedroid

i want to cancel my internet and use my phone to access the internet wherever and whenever. so far i am using pdanet..but its really slow. i heard rooting your phone, you take off the limitations to use your phone as a 3g hotspot by wirelessly teethering it...this would be the only reason why i want to root my phone... it worth the risks??

i dont know much about the benefits about rooting flashing roms or anything...the only other interest i have rooting my phone would be to update the system so i dont have to buy a new, upgraded phone with better software.

any advice is appreciated!:)
Why would you want to root your phone?


Word on the street is that once you root your phone, you can use it for unlimited tethering (within reasonable bounds of course).

This means essentially that your cellphone can now double as a portable wifi device instead of paying Verizon $30/month for the same feature, but with a data cap on top to boot for that $30.

This is gold for those of us stuck at companies that are more and more using web proxies to block access to personal e-mail, etc. Besides, makes things like the iPad 2 decidedly more useful, esp. the 16 gb version without a data plan.
Please, and I can't emphasize this enough, PLEASE read all instructions and research before rooting. If you are not technically adept, I don't recommend this at all. I am seeing a lot of cases of people rooting and flashing ROM's without even knowing how to go to system settings to see what version of the radio they are currently running.

THIS IS A RECIPE FOR DISASTER! Please research things THOROUGHLY and make sure you understand all aspect of rooting before doing anything. Otherwise, you will run a strong risk of bricking your phone and costing yourself a lot of money.

Isnt this funny, I have had my d1 rooted and now trying to help someone root an incredible. Its so much different in the rooting process. I like using adb tools but cant find any directions for it anywhere. Radio version...heck I dont even know how to find it lol.