Ebay Items


Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
Has anyone had any experience with those cheap batteries and car charges that are for sell on ebay? I'm wanting to get a car charger but don't want to spend $30 on one, and an extra battery would be nice as well.

I personally don't use any from Ebay...
Ive used those on my former Dare....and never had issues.
Because the plug is the same for the Droid, I was able to continue using it.
Dude, go to radio shack and get a car charger for $20.
I've used them for my Omina for over a year and never had any problems. I ordered a plug charger and car charger, should be here tomorrow.
Ebay Accessories

I've bought and used accessories for all my phones from ebay. There is little or no quality difference between any you would buy from a retail outlet. The one I bought locally for my Droid broke within 24 hours, my eBay one is still working fine.
Has anyone had any experience with those cheap batteries and car charges that are for sell on ebay? I'm wanting to get a car charger but don't want to spend $30 on one, and an extra battery would be nice as well.


With past phones I've gone the cheap route and bought the $2 adapters on Ebay. There have been numerous reported problems with non-Motorola chargers causing problems with the Moto Droid, apparently due to insufficient wattage rating. Some have reported problems with the Droid freaking out - powering on and off continually, surfing the web on it's own, and even randomly texting and calling people in your contact list. The safest thing is to stick with the charger made for it. I recently bought a car charger on Ebay that is the same one sold for it at Best Buy or VZW. I found mine for about $9 shipped. Also be careful that you get one with a micro-USB connector. The one made for the Droid has a big blue tranparent circle with a blue light in it. If you do go with another one it probably would work if it has at least an 850mah rating.
I've always order wall and car chargers from ebay. All have worked flawlessly! Don't understand why anyone would ever pay more than $5 for any of these items.

I can't say anything about batteries, but I wouldn't hesitate.