Droid Incredible Root Soon Awaits

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Man let it die get over yourself he owes you nothing. Who the hell cares its a phone whether his freinds phone was rooted or not. Its like you guys want root so bad you may turn him off from rooting it or ever working on the phone. This makes me happy I don't have this phone its just turned me off of xda and the incredible community
doug, you just proved your reading comprehension skills suck..
jeez.. your arguing alongside these people, without a clue whats even going on.. SHEEP>> your all followers. learn to think on your own.
Bizz, im thinking we know where the drama is now, huh..

Matt, im not even gonna reply, cause your reading comprehension is sub par also.
guys listen up....

Steven welcomes ANYONE to contact him personally via email for any questions and concerns you may have.

Lets leave the bickering off the boards. Lets develop a community and come together. More will be accomplished when everyone is on the same team.

Anyway, Steve's a stand up guy and will answer ALL your questions. This comes directly from him.

Email him at:

[email protected] or PM him at alldroid/ username B16
That's right, consider this the first notice that the HTC Incredible has been overclocked. Incredible boots and runs smooth at 1.3 ghz (as compared to the 1 ghz stock). I've also played with a 1.5 ghz kernel that I'm working on, but need to clean up a few things first. The kernels will be available very soon and will probably be released along side of Dominator 4.0 for Incredible (which boostdscoob is working on).

reading skills are fine. says right there Incredible boots and runs smooth at 1.3. think that would be hard to know that without root and the ability to add a custom kernel. im not name calling, making fun of, or putting down anyone. i here for just her for some coversation thats all. everyone else is getting angry so there is no need to take stabs at me.
My guess, it was a ploy to get himself a DI for free, unlocked. So now the guy has a 600 dollar or more phone. Hope I'm wrong. He may very well know what he's doing but that doesn't mean he achieved root, it just means he got himself a phone for free. Wonder who the gullible idiot was that sent him one.

im pretty sure thats not the case but you are free to believe want.
Someone posted this on Jake's blog:

We have no reason to believe him and plenty of reasons to disbelieve him.

He hasn't provided any kind of details or proof despite being asked 10,000 times so the obvious thing to do is to call BS. In fact, he doesn't even seem to realize he's making two claims here, that he's rooted the phone and that he's defeated the NAND protection.

Sure you want to stake your credibility on this guy boost?

Boost has credibility? With what, as a copy and paste dev? He didn't even compile the JIT his rom uses, he ripped it off from somewhere.
Lol, straight to attacking my character.. lol.. well, this thread has finally sunk below bottom.
copy and paste huh? Lol, well my guarantee still stands. Fastest ESE 81 ROM out. If i ripped it off, then please tell me from who, if no one else is using JIT.
You guys have nothing better to do, pretty sad.
YOUR reading comprehension sucks. I didn't post that, I said "this was posted in that blog". L2R
wow Matth3w chill bro get off his cool-aid and let it go...:closed_2:
Alright, let's do it this way. I'll pay $25 paypal if a video is posted showing root and SU permissions and kernel on the DI.
I'll add 5 to that bounty if its done by Monday.
i agree to let it go but he did lie. he said his friend was testing his kernels. without root no way to flash new kernel. so i would guess no testing has been done. thats all im sayin.

That's right, consider this the first notice that the HTC Incredible has been overclocked. Incredible boots and runs smooth at 1.3 ghz (as compared to the 1 ghz stock). I've also played with a 1.5 ghz kernel that I'm working on, but need to clean up a few things first. The kernels will be available very soon and will probably be released along side of Dominator 4.0 for Incredible (which boostdscoob is working on).

reading skills are fine. says right there Incredible boots and runs smooth at 1.3. think that would be hard to know that without root and the ability to add a custom kernel. im not name calling, making fun of, or putting down anyone. i here for just her for some coversation thats all. everyone else is getting angry so there is no need to take stabs at me.

a HUGE +1, definitely said it boots...
Consider this thread closed.

Maybe one day we can pull together as a community and stop the childish attacks and insults.

Sent from my Droid
Why are you going to close it? I offer to pay for video proof. What idiot wouldn't take an easy 30 bucks between me and Andren? If they have an Android phone, they can take video. Youtube accounts are also free.
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