Droid Display > Incredible Display

Sadly.. I don't want to compare like this.. But.. It's just as bright.. Clear.. Crisp as my MacBook Pro.. 17Inch.. Quad Core..

I compare this entirely to my 3GHZ Macbook Pro.. Yup.. That I do.. it's does everything the same.. Everything.. LoL.. Minus the other 2gigs of speed.. But we'll soon get there.. Not that we need it.. LoL..

The screen is just the same.. Perfect..

Great NONscientific, NONtechnical, almost NONsensical, ummm REVIEW?

This is a DROID screen compared to Inc. screen thread. Good luck finding a place where people are looking to size up their smartphone to their lappy. LOL!!

But it's always funny to see someone not scared to let their FEELINGS get in the way of a technical discussion. You seem like another that didn't really read the whole [2 PAGES of] thread, though I could be wrong.. which would be even sadder...

i read it.. I read it.. Trust me I read it..

I just said sadly due to the war of Apple.. But.. the comparison is just.. It should be compare to their "lappy" cause my Incredible does just as good as the Pro.. So Umm.. No offense.. But I think i gave the best comparison of all.. Sowwy for the misconception.. I meant no "NON" Involved.. LoL..
Sadly.. I don't want to compare like this.. But.. It's just as bright.. Clear.. Crisp as my MacBook Pro.. 17Inch.. Quad Core..

I compare this entirely to my 3GHZ Macbook Pro.. Yup.. That I do.. it's does everything the same.. Everything.. LoL.. Minus the other 2gigs of speed.. But we'll soon get there.. Not that we need it.. LoL..

The screen is just the same.. Perfect..

Great NONscientific, NONtechnical, almost NONsensical, ummm REVIEW?

This is a DROID screen compared to Inc. screen thread. Good luck finding a place where people are looking to size up their smartphone to their lappy. LOL!!

But it's always funny to see someone not scared to let their FEELINGS get in the way of a technical discussion. You seem like another that didn't really read the whole [2 PAGES of] thread, though I could be wrong.. which would be even sadder...

i read it.. I read it.. Trust me I read it..

I just said sadly due to the war of Apple.. But.. the comparison is just.. It should be compare to their "lappy" cause my Incredible does just as good as the Pro.. So Umm.. No offense.. But I think i gave the best comparison of all.. Sowwy for the misconception.. I meant no "NON" Involved.. LoL..

Wow your are SILLY, and hard to understand. Also, I noticed you duped a lot of people into your misleading 'rooted incredible' thread too!! lol.. anyway, I wont hold my breath waiting for any worthwhile contributions from you...

EDIT: oops, that thread closed... and certainly didn't mean to make any jerks appear/feel polite! I'll try harder. ;)
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Wow, and I thought my people skills were bad. Yours make mine look polite.
Display: 80%.... time on 5m 12s > Display: 15%..... time on: 5m 3s
Android System: 11% > Android System: 57%
Wi-Fi: 6% > Wi-Fi: 12%

Yeah, see this is what I mean. Sure if you don't use your phone the battery lasts longer. But look what has taken the place of the display as the battery eater: Wifi and Sense.

Mind you I will probably still get one, but this kind of bugs me.

battery life still seems very good. it's a bit early to really tell. only had the phone a day, but the battery seems to be draining pretty slowly.

only used up 3% in the last 38 minutes, and the screen has been on for 11 minutes (over 1/4) of that time.

you should share your numbers over here:

Great NONscientific, NONtechnical, almost NONsensical, ummm REVIEW?

This is a DROID screen compared to Inc. screen thread. Good luck finding a place where people are looking to size up their smartphone to their lappy. LOL!!

But it's always funny to see someone not scared to let their FEELINGS get in the way of a technical discussion. You seem like another that didn't really read the whole [2 PAGES of] thread, though I could be wrong.. which would be even sadder...

i read it.. I read it.. Trust me I read it..

I just said sadly due to the war of Apple.. But.. the comparison is just.. It should be compare to their "lappy" cause my Incredible does just as good as the Pro.. So Umm.. No offense.. But I think i gave the best comparison of all.. Sowwy for the misconception.. I meant no "NON" Involved.. LoL..

Wow your are SILLY, and hard to understand. Also, I noticed you duped a lot of people into your misleading 'rooted incredible' thread too!! lol.. anyway, I wont hold my breath waiting for any worthwhile contributions from you...

EDIT: oops, that thread closed... and certainly didn't mean to make any jerks appear/feel polite! I'll try harder. ;)

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What is your name on all droid?
What is your name on all droid?

I keep the same name EVERYWHERE.. Except XDA.. Thats Private..

DroidMod.. Birdman.. ZuesDroid.. TheGeekTern.. Greek35T.. MoDoCo Paul O'Brien.. Nexus-Nation/NexTheme Manup456 all great friends and great people to learn from.. But.. Nothing I am without them.. I have learned everything I know from them.. So they make contributions to me.. Oh, And I never say these things cause boasting I FREAKING hate.. I hate pople who do it.. Including myself at this moment.. But.. be stepped on by a dude.. Never happening here.. Never..
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Nice stealth edit. I was curious, because you originally said you were an admin at all droid.
Okay, back on subject! ;)

I came here looking for something to sway me one way or the other - stick with the Droid or sell my lungs for the Incredible (and hope to recover some selling the Droid on eBay).

But looks like I'm still discombobulated after reading two pages here, as well as a ton of other threads. This one appears to be a very close call!

Still hanging in there. Luckily the Droid does all I need so it's not like I'm up against a time thing here. But I just hate carrying the bulk of the sliding keyboard which I just don't use. :) mikey
Okay, back on subject! ;)

I came here looking for something to sway me one way or the other - stick with the Droid or sell my lungs for the Incredible (and hope to recover some selling the Droid on eBay).

But looks like I'm still discombobulated after reading two pages here, as well as a ton of other threads. This one appears to be a very close call!

Still hanging in there. Luckily the Droid does all I need so it's not like I'm up against a time thing here. But I just hate carrying the bulk of the sliding keyboard which I just don't use. :) mikey

I'm on the same boat lol, I'm trying to avoid all these threads but they keep popping up in the "latest threads" section ;p gah, I'm afraid to go to a store to test one. I may just end up walking out with one lol.
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
i read it.. I read it.. Trust me I read it..

I just said sadly due to the war of Apple.. But.. the comparison is just.. It should be compare to their "lappy" cause my Incredible does just as good as the Pro.. So Umm.. No offense.. But I think i gave the best comparison of all.. Sowwy for the misconception.. I meant no "NON" Involved.. LoL..

Wow your are SILLY, and hard to understand. Also, I noticed you duped a lot of people into your misleading 'rooted incredible' thread too!! lol.. anyway, I wont hold my breath waiting for any worthwhile contributions from you...

EDIT: oops, that thread closed... and certainly didn't mean to make any jerks appear/feel polite! I'll try harder. ;)

Dude.. You need.. To slow down.. Hard to understand.. With major in Business and Technology.. Whew.. I guess I need to lay off the Purple. :icon_ banana: Now that that's out the way.. "duped" dude.. I never duped.. I simply thought as Paul O'Brien himself thought we could get this done early.. Well, that dint happen did it.. Contributions.. Were never from me.. Ever.. I dont do that.. I am a Java Guy.. Not tinybot or linux in general.. It's different.. I was here from before ANY OF YOU thought of having this.. I had it since ages ago.. Ask anyone.. I work for ADP as a Programmer.. and Tyler is one of my dudes.. So no offense.. But.. dude.. your people skills are BAD.. no polite at all.. What contributions can you make.. Did you make.. will make.. I made many.. I helped build the Desire for the Droid.. I also ported the Sense with MoDoCo for the Nexus.. and I have my partner and I who did Home++ Beta.. and yes, we are almost done with Wallpaper support.. See.. Not everyone is the same.. Not everyone will fight.. or argue.. some of have a political and respectful mind..

So.. Pardon my doings.. My Honest mistake(s).. And that's not to you.. but to everyone..

If you need me.. Alldroid.org I'm family with ZuesDroid, XDA, I have every Dev on my GTALK.. Nexus One Forum and this one.. I chill.. share.. converse.. You know , Human ish.. LoL.. :icon_ banana:

So yeah, no worries, i have no pun against you.. I chose to close the thread too btw.. ask the MODS.. I made a honest promise and things changed.. WTF you want me to do.. Say root.. and root happens.. Fine.. let me brick your Droid.. Dude things take time.. And money gets invested.. We work our little asses off for ya.. Cause we love ya.. seeing you enjoy every moment of it.. That's who GD is in case you dint know..

Dude, if all that is true that is awesome. I take my first java class sometime soon online from U of I. I'm booked in classes now, the summer, and the fall. I am aspiring to develop. But seriously? You are that smart and 'plugged in' but still you totally fail in the forums? All good, because they say, 'jack of all trades, master of none,' so hopefully this all must mean you are master java coder.. Thank you for all you metioned, except I still can't tell what it adds to this particular thread. You should've posted it in the Introductions.. Anyway, cheers mate and keep up all your hard work in all those other areas. =)
and back on topic..

Someone requested a similar picture with the water droplet but with a DROID. I will do this when I get home unless someone beats me to it.
Still hanging in there. Luckily the Droid does all I need so it's not like I'm up against a time thing here. But I just hate carrying the bulk of the sliding keyboard which I just don't use. :) mikey
If it is any help, I bought the Incredible because I didn't like carrying around the sliding keyboard and extra width/weight of the Droid. The Incredible is definitely a nice upgrade if you are someone who carries their phone in their pocket like me. That being said, the Droid display definitely renders text much better than the Incredible, and overall the Droid's display is much more crisp because of its uniform subpixel size/color.