Diamond cross icon


New Member
Jan 20, 2011
Reaction score
Hey this might be a dumb question but I just noticed a wierd like diamond shape with a cross thru it on my notification bar. Just wondering what it is since it hasnt always been there. Thanks

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Its explained in other posts so please use the search option.

But to help none the less, its like the older phones emphasizing that 911 is effective even when GPS is off.

Oh ok ye I will, thanks tho

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums App
Yeah how many more people are going to post this question, just Google it first.
If you have a question, just ask it.

"Google First" is not a proper response when someone asks a question. It's rude. IMHO.

We need to try an make people feel "at home" and comfortable here. :)
If you have a question, just ask it.

"Google First" is not a proper response when someone asks a question. It's rude. IMHO.

We need to try an make people feel "at home" and comfortable here. :)

I understand. Threads are stone age or space continuum for differrent ppl, just a heads up tho ppl will delete topics if overload of them.

News flash to the folk here - I DID google the question, and this is the page it sent me to.
I too googled and googled and googled, and was sent here. This is the only question I found asking this very question. Finally got an answer, thank you.
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