Data speeds (mbps)


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Rescue Squad
So I'm here in JBLM, WA. cruising on my 2 week old stock Bionic pulling 24 hour duty, and I get pulled over for speeding on the largest AND fastest 4G network. Guess I was going too fast. Suck it AT&T, you still have a long way before your Kung Fu can match Verizon ...

Sent from my DROID BIONIC

Hate to say it but I have seen some initial ATT LTE speedtests on the Galaxy SII Skyrocket and they are toping out at over 56Mbps down and 30Mbps up. But this is still on a new network with such a light load that I expect these types of speed.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


Hate to say it but I have seen some initial ATT LTE speedtests on the Galaxy SII Skyrocket and they are toping out at over 56Mbps down and 30Mbps up. But this is still on a new network with such a light load that I expect these types of speed.

Wow that's pretty crazy haha in use my phone for XBL at home because I get less than 1mb down and less than .5mb up...


Super Moderator
Premium Member
Rescue Squad
You get less than 1Mbps down on the Bionic? You don't have 4G yet?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


Super Moderator
Premium Member
Rescue Squad
Yikes, that's slow. When I need to use the Internet on my laptop away from home I. Just use my phone with Foxfi.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


New Member
I was at south center mall near seattle and I went to every other carrier in the mall and told them if they had a phone that could beat mine in a speedtest I would switch carriers, needless to say I am still with verizon averaging 30-40 mbps in the mall and the best runner up was t-mobile at 8 lol. by the way, lte is by far not spotty in the west coast of washington, I was shocked when I can travil over a 100 miles of interstate 5 and not lose 4g the whole way :)


My speeds suck.... Sooooo bad that I am now jealous of everyone else getting amazing speeds

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New Member
Those speeds are so fast the phone itself is slower than what is being loaded. I use a pretty good wifi at home and its not that fast and I never wait on anything to load as far as internet pages. I live in the boonies so won't be able to get 4g for a LONG time, if ever.


Sent from my Eclipsed Bionic