Can't turn off New Messages notification - I did search ...


New Member
May 24, 2011
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Ok. Like the new Droid X very much with one (well 2 - anothe post) minor flaws - it wont shut up!!!

I keep getting a notification option for new email messages even though I have turned it off in the email and messaging notificaitons areas. Under general options there is a notification setting with No option for Silent or Off that I think is over ridiung other settings. Im sure Im missing something - but hwere?

Surely Droid would let us go truly silent wouldnt they?

I did search for an answer and tried them all but sitll getting message notifications.
Thanks for the reply. I am using the Internal Android system connected to corporate exchange. Also was using K-9 (since removed since it wouldnt work well) and Touchdown.

In all of them notification set to off. But shee keeps defaulting to the General notifications sound for the Droid, which appears has no Off.