Can i screen shot on a Droid Razr??


New Member
I've had this phone for a while now. I am still unable to figure out how to take a screen shot! Can it be done on this phone, with the factory installed camera? I was told i should root my phone or download a new camera. Are these really the only ways to take a simple screen shot??


Exactly as he a warning dont hold the buttons down too long because it will simulate a battery pull and turn off the phone :)

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


New Member
We'll, I'm on my 8th Droid - and finally one that works most of the time!!! One problem. Screenshot stopped working. It worked for a couple of weeks, but now ignores the fact that I'm holding the Power Button and simply lowers the volume - in fact, I inadvertantly powered off the phone on one of my screenshot attempts.

Anyone know of any apps that may be suddenly interfering?

As I say, this Moto is VASTLY superior to all the HTC & Samsung phones I've suffered through!
We'll, I'm on my 8th Droid - and finally one that works most of the time!!! One problem. Screenshot stopped working. It worked for a couple of weeks, but now ignores the fact that I'm holding the Power Button and simply lowers the volume - in fact, I inadvertantly powered off the phone on one of my screenshot attempts.

Anyone know of any apps that may be suddenly interfering?

As I say, this Moto is VASTLY superior to all the HTC & Samsung phones I've suffered through!

Sorry that I can't specifically think of any apps that could interfere here, BUT, I will point out, I had a few issue of "Goofy" things like this happening, and it was not due to the specific app causing the problem, but rather whatever apps ability to "Push" other crap to the phone....Had new icons appear, stuff like that and did have it interfere w/ other things.

Get an app called "Air Push Detector", when you run it, it will look for any apps that have been (Probably by accident), the privilege/ability to shove other crap on your device.

Sorry can't be of any more help on that one, I know what I mentioned is a long shot, but at least worth a try.

Also, did you change or update the OS at any point or any updates like that? Are you rooted?

?? Curious one??

All the best....S


New Member
Thanks for your interest. Not rooted. Loaded APD - nothing bad.

I just deactivated Smart Actions (which isn't very useful), and suddenly I can take screenshots again. Pretty much a regression test, as I really haven't done anything else to the phone - and it stopped taking screenshots about the time I activated SA (though I don't feel like going through the annoyance of reactivating SA and trying a screenshot again).
Thanks for your interest. Not rooted. Loaded APD - nothing bad.

I just deactivated Smart Actions (which isn't very useful), and suddenly I can take screenshots again. Pretty much a regression test, as I really haven't done anything else to the phone - and it stopped taking screenshots about the time I activated SA (though I don't feel like going through the annoyance of reactivating SA and trying a screenshot again).

Thanks for the update, I was wondering about it.......Just FYI, really only my opinion, but keeping that AirPush detector on there is probably a good idea. There have been several times, where for some reason, I had a new icon/app on my screen, no clue where it came from, OR, even worse, if an installed app has that Push ability, who knows what is sending or allowing back on your phone.

I know it's off topic, but I just happened to think of it since we are mentioning rouge apps.....I'm sure your familiar w/ App Killers, etc....Which I'm sure if you've read up, know are mostly useless..

BUT: As you know you, I, anyone, can write up an app and toss it on the market. That said, a poorly coded app can cause many problems. My example, I had downloaded a simple app for 'Scrabble'....Well, when playing my phone was getting really warm, and I could tell it was using MUCH more of the CPU than necessary. Also, even when it was not running, but still active in the RAM(I guess an app killer would have fixed that, but overall they are not worth it)...

Anyway, there is another app called "Watch Dog", instead of watching for unused apps and terminating, it just watches what the apps are doing to the phone (How much CPU, RAM, overall resources) are being used, you can set the threshold, and if a "Bad App" is utilizing resources that are way out of it's need, or it is chewing up memory, etc....It will inform you and you can take it off or what ever.

Just because it's on the market does not mean it's been coded by a pro, there are some on there that really bog down the device for nothing, and this app keeps a nice eye on that.

Anyway, sorry to drift off topic, but thought it would be helpful.

Have a great day and hope all is well (BTW: I don't really care for smart actions either, rather just do that stuff manually since my schedule isn't so regimented that I know exactly when I want things on/off....)



New Member
Thanks. I've been using WD for quite a while now - in fact, on my Samung Rezound, the Phone App would fly off over 60% a few times a day - and eventually freeze my device altogether. So i set the threshhold to 30% - which partially remedied the issue. As I say, I'm not sold on Droids at all (a previous Resound interfered car Bluetooth device causing my car to tell me "You must initiate Bluetooth from your phone" repeatedly every minute (!) - until I took the battery out. This happened every time I took the phone into the car.

The only serious problem I have with this Motor is in text editing. Note above the grammatical flaw "interfered car" - I can't place the cursor there to insert "with my". This appears to be a GOOG issue. I've had it with all 8 of my phones.

I'll likely call it quits after this Razr - and try an iPhone.

Take care.


New Member
Anyone else have a problem that you can only get a screen shot with the volume bar in it?

I may try to disable the Smart Actions and try again per post above.


Yes, MDEVA, I've been dealing with screenshot issues & read Google disallowed in ICS

I've been frustrated to point that finally, this week, I downloaded Screenshot??- there are two & soon it won't matter about omission. After following all directions, I had gained nothing & at that point, being even more desperate, I added ScreenshotUX, the trial - I think it gives 14 uses until you have to make up your mind whether you'll own or give up.
As you intimated, about Google's part in it - I read that it was Google that decided to eliminate the screenshot from ICS & anyone interested in it can Google for it!
Well, back to my trial - it works! Now, I've got VERY limited experience with it & the screenshot I took had the icon on the screen. If I want to take one on screen that doesn't have the icon on it, I'll leave that up to you. It may be a very simple achievement but I'm only saying that it functioned using their simple instructions that made it successful.
I've got no connection in this app - just an owner (also a former HTC user) & while the RAZR is far superior in general, I really like the widgets available on my one former HTC phone.
Therefore, with my limited experience with smartphones, I offer this since it happens to relate to my research from the current week & you sounded as though you might soon be as frustrated as I was. Good luck & have a great holiday.
Now, I'll move onto my ongoing issues - apparently this learning curve is going to be never ending which wasn't my plan. In my naive view, I thought I'd just upgrade into that world & it would work! Ho, Ho, Ho!


New Member
I had gained nothing & at that point, being even more desperate, I added ScreenshotUX, the trial - I think it gives 14 uses until you have to make up your mind whether you'll own or give up.????

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