Bluetooth keeps disconnecting


New Member
Feb 27, 2010
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I have a droid x currently, switch to this from the original droid and have had the same problem with both phones, while connected to my phone through bluetooth the bluetooth just randomly disconnects while on the phone and can take up to 3-4 minutes to reconnect to your phone. Now you can understand how big of a nuisance this can be, especially if it does this during an important business phone call. Does anyone here on this forum know how to cure this problem, or have a temporary fix? My colleagues and myself love our android phones but are about to the point we are ready to switch to the iphone next month if we cannot find a solution to this problem.
I have a droid x currently, switch to this from the original droid and have had the same problem with both phones, while connected to my phone through bluetooth the bluetooth just randomly disconnects while on the phone and can take up to 3-4 minutes to reconnect to your phone. Now you can understand how big of a nuisance this can be, especially if it does this during an important business phone call. Does anyone here on this forum know how to cure this problem, or have a temporary fix? My colleagues and myself love our android phones but are about to the point we are ready to switch to the iphone next month if we cannot find a solution to this problem.
Welcome to the forum. I am not sure about the answer to your situation. I am going to ask that your post be moved to the Droid X section in hopes that someone there with more knowledge of the X will have an answer for you.
If you have had the same problem with two phones I would think the problem is more likely to be your headset. I have used both Plantronics and currently the Sony HBH-DS980 with no problems whatsoever.

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I know its not the headset's because they both worked fine on my blackberrys and my I phone 4, so I know the problem is with at the verry least motorolla droid.

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Hello Forum,

I am having problems with my RAZR Maxx HD disconnecting from Bluetooth connected devices.

I will be using Bluetooth speakerphone (also Motorola) and the phone call will all of the sudden be transferred to the handset.

I thought it may just be the bluetooth speakerphone device, but it does the same thing through my wife's car Bluetooth system.

Any help would be appreciated.

It does it nearly everytime.

Droid RAZR Maxx HD
Android 4.1.2

I use my buetooth all the time and never have an issue with it disconnecting like that. That is an odd one im not even sure what to tell you about that
What may be occurring, is a signal/lock loss between the BT device and the phone, causing the disconnection issue.
Have you looked into a timing-related cause?
Such as how long the device remains connected before it shuts down, or drops the BT connection with the phone?
What are your BT settings for connection to your phone?
Maybe the BT device switched connection types, and is searching for internet access.
Are you always paired to that single device, or do you use others with your BT headset?
Is your phone always visible to the headset?

odd to sustain the same issues with different BT installations, so I suggest solving it by eliminating the most prevalent issue and starting from that point, eliminating everything until you nail the actual cause.
Thanks for the responses!

My Bluetooth settings just say phone and audio which are both checked.

It is difficult to tell timing, as it varies. Often it is shortly after it connects and I make a call.

Phone is usually within 3' of the receiver.

I had some old devices on the pairing list which I just removed. Maybe that will help.

Thanks for the assistance!