Bionic,prime,vigor, or razr

EL Lacost

Mar 18, 2011
Reaction score
Ok guys wel im really confused idk wich phone to get or if their worth the wait the bionic is the only one out yet the prime was supose to be introduced 2morrow but just change the date and the vigor seems and sounds like a goid competitor for the prime but isnt so hyped up. And as for the razr I have no info on

Odin Rooted Samsung Fascinate
It would be in your best interest to wait until the prime or vigor comes out. I think it would be well worth it.

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Based on the rumored info, the prime will win me over...but my best advice is to wait out the initial release of anything until the price comes down (we know it always does), and do some research of customer reviews to see what will fit your needs the best.

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Thanks wel yeah I think ima wait for the prime and see if theirs more info on the other phones and see if the bionics price drops then I might decide for the prime if either of the new phones is to expensive

Odin Rooted Samsung Fascinate
I think thats a smart choice, and who knows by looking around for a while something totally different may impress you and you could wind up with something thats great for you that you never knew you wanted ;)

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Also want to add, look other places than this forum for info on devices. What seems to happen on here alot is people will go out and buy the latest and greatest on release day without arming themselves with any info other than rumors they get here from the forum in the first place. Then when the device doesnt preform perfectly, or slightly differs in assumed specs, you will see all kinds of bad reviews, negative and problem threads pop up. Im not naming any names, and i dont say this to be disrespectful to any members of the forum or the forum itself, its just a reality. So take it as you will. Good luck in your hunt for your new device! :)

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Yeah I have seen that and I have been looking at the web for some info even thou some stuff isnt lagit just rumors and yeah ur right I mean at first I was looking at either just getting the charge or the droid but I got into phone arena and I saw some upcoming devises and I did my info. Thanks man il continue my hunt for the best phone

Odin Rooted Samsung Fascinate
Not a problem, anytime, as a matter of fact i have been able to upgrade for some time now and im just kinda hanging back waiting for the right one. Im still rocking a d1 lol, but its been a great phone and still is i wont be in any hurry until i find the one i know is right.

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Jaja realy a d1? Yeah wel Im kinda not as patient as u are jajaja I just feel like Im outdated I mean my fascinate isnt to old but just feel like it forecloses alot and reboots by itself alot and sometimes its too laggy like it completely freeses on me

Odin Rooted Samsung Fascinate
And wel I have to thank my fascinate cuse its the first smartphone iv had and I learned to give my first steps with this phone jaja just feel like I need something new and wel better I have that erge

Odin Rooted Samsung Fascinate
Ok I have ruled out the vigor so now its up to the prime,razr,vigor. Havnt heard anything new about the vigor yet and idk if its coming soon?

Odin Rooted Samsung Fascinate
You've ruled out vigor so it's between prime, rzr, or vigor? Lol, anyways I'm planning to get the prime since it is a dev phone, and I have the bionic(love it). What i can tell you is find out as much as you can about the phones and reviews when they come out and you decide!

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Jaja I screwd up I ment I ruled out the bionic yea u are right I will fo so thanks for the advice

Odin Rooted Samsung Fascinate