Bionic has slowed down like crazy since JB update. Any ideas?

I updated to JB with the OTA update several months ago. I did not do an FDR as I did with ICS. I thought my Bionic ran just fine without it. However, after a few months use some of my apps started acting up and the phone just got slower than I thought it should. With all the rain from tropical storm Andrea yesterday I had nothing to do so I decided to finally do an FDR. I backed up all my data, photos, music, etc with My Backup Pro as well as copied to my computer just to be safe. I did the FDR and just loaded apps back that I really needed and wanted. I haven't checked the battery life yet but man this phone screams now! The apps that loaded slowly before now load very quickly and operate much more smoothly. Some of the apps even look different even though I updated them before the FDR. If you have any doubts about doing a FDR don't wait. It is well worth the trouble. My contract is up on my Bionic next month but now I don't see any reason to get a new phone. I will keep this one til it dies!


String ray, our phones were acting the exact same way. I broke down today and just completed the FDR. Seems like a new phone so far. Hopefully of will stay this way!

The FDR is easy, reloading over 200 apps is a pain the .........!

Be well.


Senior Member
I factory reset all the time with all the ROM flashing I do. Its not bad at all. You get used to setting up your phone over and over again.


Super Moderator
Premium Member
This is absolutely correct. If you wipe the device it gets better. Just back your stuff up.

If you're rooted, backup your user apps (not system apps) & do the reset, then reinstall the backup -- I was in a similar situation & it did the trick


This thread is somewhat older. Anyone that got good results from the FDR go back to slooooooow? Dreading the FDR, but I think I will have to try. The phone is just toooooooo slow lately.

Before I do a FDR, is there a way (or an app) that will help to look for what is hogging resources and causing the slooooooooooowness?


New Member
Old thread I know, but I'm one that STILL has his Bionic lol. I'm about to pull the trigger on a G3. All I can say is that after several FDRs, the phone eventually goes back to being a brick. It's so slow it's practically unusable sometimes and when you need it the most. Don't have time to constantly be FDRing it. It'll make a good backup phone in case of loss, theft or breakage.