Best Incredible kernel?


Jun 7, 2010
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SO, I just moved over from a D1 to the Incredible and I rooted it via unrevoked. Looking for a good kernel that will improve battery life on the stock ROM, but having difficulty finding a good link to one. Any and all help is appreciated.
I have a question. What are kernels? And how do you change the kernel you have?
you need to check this place out

: The Incredible List

Wow, this is a great resource, thanks for the link!

I have an og droid, but just picked up a used dinc for my fiance. She's coming from a blackberry so she's used to getting 2-3 days out of her battery and was shocked to only get 10 hours off of a full charge with the dinc. Anyway, I spent last night rooting and removing most of the verizon crap-ware and adjusted her refresh settings to hopefully boost her battery life a bit. She likes the stock sense experience and I don't want to have to babysit her phone when issues pop up from custom roms so I'd like to keep it as stock as possible. The link above has a full list of kernels to choose from but there are no reviews about them. Like the op, I need a good solid kernel that will work on a stock dinc and give a much needed boost to battery life. What's the best option here? They mention the hydra kernel but the link is dead. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!
There's lots of sense kernels which is what you'll need. Heyitslou, incredikernel12/23, etc.

Unfortunately I don't know much about them or which ones are up-to-date as I run AOSP ROMs.
There's lots of sense kernels which is what you'll need. Heyitslou, incredikernel12/23, etc.

Unfortunately I don't know much about them or which ones are up-to-date as I run AOSP ROMs.

Yeah, no kidding. I've spent the past 5-6 months getting very familiar with the og droid. Now diving into the dinc, I'm a bit overwhelmed. I figured I needed a sense kernel, but just wanted to be sure. I don't want to run into issues. Keeping in mind that I will not be flashing any custom roms, will any sense kernel work on a stock rooted dinc? I looked around here, but I have no idea which kernel is the right one for me. I don't have any issue trying multiple kernels, I just want to make sure that I don't flash a kernel that wasn't meant for my phone and screw something up.
There's lots of sense kernels which is what you'll need. Heyitslou, incredikernel12/23, etc.

Since you mentioned these, I'll pick your brain for a sec. For starters, will these work for my case?

Heyitslou: The most recent is #9, but if I need multi-touch I have to use #7, correct?

Incredikernel: The 12/23 version is the last version that will work with sense, is that correct?
Don't worry about it. I came from the OG a month or so ago so I dealt with it. I'd check out the incredikernel12/23 as it should have all the bells & whistles plus smartass.

Your questions: yes if you want *more* then 2 multi touch but #9 has 2. Yes 12/23.
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Don't worry about it. I came from the OG a month or so ago so I dealt with it. I'd check out the incredikernel12/23 as it should have all the bells & whistles plus smartass.

Your questions: yes if you want *more* then 2 multi touch but #9 has 2. Yes 12/23.

Alright, I thank you sir. I think I'll flash 12/23 tonight along with the radio you suggested in the other thread and see what happens. Hopefully I don't jack anything up... except battery life :)
I'd check out the incredikernel12/23 as it should have all the bells & whistles plus smartass.

After ready several hundred posts from incredikernel and heyitslou I think I'm actually going to go with heyitslou instead. There just seemed to be way too many issues with incredikernel, at least from the reviews that I read. Thanks again.