attention fascinate owners: froyo for fascinate on facebook

the nook will get froyo! even though i am running a better version of froyo than samsung could ever produce, this buns me up. it is just the principle of it. i am not gonna go off and say i will never buy another samsung, but it is definitely weighing in on my decision about tablets. the new samsung tablets look great, but have their own touchwiz interface. almost have to go with mac on the tablet purchase. you know the the fool me twice deal...
I don't know the Samsung tablets do look great, I mean there offucal the thinnest tablets out there, thinner than the ipad2! And I heard Sammy's just adding a few tweaks nothing like a touchwiz launcher( thank god) and there cheaper than most. I want one, bad.

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i agree. i am just bent about the gps and the froyo. that's why i am not stomping my feet saying i will never buy a samy product again, because i probably will.
the point of the facebook page is to put samsung/vzw on blast for being liars, and to harness the energy of sporadic complaints all over the internet. its easy just send the message #froyogate to the twitter pages posted and hopefully itll start trending. i have also rooted my phone (and un-rooted. and will probably re-root), but its the principle of it. besides, #froyogate has such a nice ring to it!

there r pics posted on the facebook page that advertise the fascinate with 2.2 as the #1 selling point. that is such blatant false advertising. we actually do have some power here ya know, as much as samsung/vzw would like us to believe otherwise. without us there is no company. if #froyogate starts trending on twitter it will be a public embarrassment for ss/vzw that can't be deleted away. that at the least is worth it to me (hell my IP address has been banned on ss/vzw's sites for even mentioning 2.2).
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the point of the facebook page is to put samsung/vzw on blast for being liars, and to harness the energy of sporadic complaints all over the internet. its easy just send the message #froyogate to the twitter pages posted and hopefully itll start trending. i have also rooted my phone (and un-rooted. and will probably re-root), but its the principle of it. besides, #froyogate has such a nice ring to it!

there r pics posted on the facebook page that advertise the fascinate with 2.2 as the #1 selling point. that is such blatant false advertising. we actually do have some power here ya know, as much as samsung/vzw would like us to believe otherwise. without us there is no company. if #froyogate starts trending on twitter it will be a public embarrassment for ss/vzw that can't be deleted away. that at the least is worth it to me (hell my IP address has been banned on ss/vzw's sites for even mentioning 2.2).

Okay then what's the end goal? Do you want froyo or do you want to tarnish a company's good name? They didn't do it on purpose and they've already admitted that the update was an epic failure.

Froyo is coming soon. What more do you want?

The mindless angry mob mentality really escapes me.

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the point of the facebook page is to put samsung/vzw on blast for being liars, and to harness the energy of sporadic complaints all over the internet. its easy just send the message #froyogate to the twitter pages posted and hopefully itll start trending. i have also rooted my phone (and un-rooted. and will probably re-root), but its the principle of it. besides, #froyogate has such a nice ring to it!

there r pics posted on the facebook page that advertise the fascinate with 2.2 as the #1 selling point. that is such blatant false advertising. we actually do have some power here ya know, as much as samsung/vzw would like us to believe otherwise. without us there is no company. if #froyogate starts trending on twitter it will be a public embarrassment for ss/vzw that can't be deleted away. that at the least is worth it to me (hell my IP address has been banned on ss/vzw's sites for even mentioning 2.2).

Okay then what's the end goal? Do you want froyo or do you want to tarnish a company's good name? They didn't do it on purpose and they've already admitted that the update was an epic failure.

Froyo is coming soon. What more do you want?

The mindless angry mob mentality really escapes me.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums App

tarnish a company's good name? am i being called mindless by someone who is standing up for a faceless corporation (who is known for software incompetence) to the chagrin of the consumer? who here is mindless? and i havent seen anything about samsung admitting their wrong, in fact everywhere i go i still see the fascinate being sold with false advertising that it runs 2.2. a mindless mentality is urs, a sense of docility having become complicit being lied to and taken advantage of. many of us bought the phone under false promises, and we refuse to be trampled over. we can do what is in our power to warn other consumers what they r getting into, and put ss/vzw on blast in public. its about more than just an update, its about becoming complicit being lied to and taken for a fool, which u have obviously accepted. the irony in ur calling our group mindless while u have the most mindless argument of all is not lost on me. us rebelling makes us mindless, while u being complicit, no thats not mindless at all. not one bit.

the complicit sheep mentality really escapes me.
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I'm sorry you were lied to. I bought my phone at walmart knowing full well that it ran 2.1.

You don't know who was behind the false ads. It could have been verizon, the retailer or samsung themselves. I have a feeling that the reason it said 2.2 was because it was supposed to be coming soon. Something went wrong and the update was delayed. It wasn't ready for public release. A software update staff probably had something to do with it but we don't know for sure and probably never will.

Look for samsungjohn on twitter or xda if you want some admission of guilt.

I may be standing up for a faceless company but I'm not as blind as you think I am. I don't in any way condone their actions. They screwed up. They are doing what they can to make sure it doesn't happen again. Get over it.

Read through the posts on that facebook page and tell me that isn't mindless. Reading that kind of stuff makes me ashamed of being an American. Its mindless consumerism. They are angry and want something to be done about it but don't care enough to type some damn english. Makes me wonder if they should really have a SMARTphone in the first place.

The fact is, I'm glad to have one of the finest devices on the market (hardware wise) which just happens to have an unlocked bootloader. Anybody with the know-how or desire to learn, can fix the issues and contribute.

There are some positives to the delay. It teaches patience and encourages a strong homebrew community.

That being said, if you want superior software, root and install a custom rom. Not saying its right that you have to go through all the trouble(not that much trouble) just to have the best software, but no hardware manufacturer will ever give you the full potential out of the box. It would be ideal, and maybe it will happen someday, but for the time being we can only hope or build companies that have a strong and true desire to be honest to the consumer.

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ashamed to be an american because americans are mobilizing against a giant korean corporation that lied to millions of consumers to take their money.
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Works for me. I can't in good conscience support the cause because I was not lied to but if some good does come of it for
everyone, I will thank you for that.

I guarantee some of the people on that fb page weren't lied to and therefore shouldn't be part of it.

I will finish by saying that your blame may be misplaced. Have a good one.

Edit: just had to go on and attack me didn't you?

The things I read on that fb page are a prime example of why foreigners see us as "stupid americans."

Please do explain the irony and hypocrisy in my statements.

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Works for me. I can't in good conscience support the cause because I was not lied to but if some good does come of it for
everyone, I will thank you for that.

I guarantee some of the people on that fb page weren't lied to and therefore shouldn't be part of it.

I will finish by saying that your blame may be misplaced. Have a good one.

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i'm sorry to say but its not up to u or anyone to decide who has a right to be upset, whether they were lied to directly or not. if ur neighbor was being robbed, ur saying its none of ur business to help them because the burglar never touched U personally? no, thats not how it works. all that is required to join the page is the desire to. period. and in terms of blame, it is placed where it should be, on both samsung and verizon's shoulders. i don't care which is to blame, but both are at fault for not finding a remedy for the situation, and both will hear from us.
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i'm sorry to say but its not up to u or anyone to decide who has a right to be upset, whether they were lied to directly or not. if ur neighbor was being robbed, ur saying its none of ur business to help them because the burglar never touched U personally? no, thats not how it works. all that is required to join the page is the desire to. period. and in terms of blame, it is placed where it should be, on both samsung and verizon's shoulders. i don't care which is to blame, but both are at fault for not finding a remedy for the situation, and both will hear from us.

Ditto that! You said it!
Reading comprehension. If you know what it is, use it.

Theft is a deliberate crime. You were lied to due to an honest mistake on Samsung's part and an error made by the retailer, which may or may not have been deliberate. The comparison is not valid.

Where did I once support a position of complacency? Do tell.

I said that the posts on that fb page are an EXAMPLE of why foreigners see us negatively.

You are a hypocrite for stating that attacking each other isn't productive, and in the very same post attacking me.

No I am not free to complain because you, or whoever owns the group, banned me. I was shut up.
there r ppl sporadically complaining about this all over the internet, whether the page exists or not. its simply a vehicle to allow us to be heard as a group rather than continue to be ignored as individuals.
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Thank you. I was ready to drop this a long time ago.

I was a little bitter but its not like I didn't see it coming. I'll admit I did make a post or two there that were trollish in nature but it wasn't my intention at all.
the most important thing to me is that those that support doing this on the first remain united
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