Another Root trick for Win7


Nov 20, 2009
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After pulling some hair out I've come up with this procedure and it is 3 for 3 so far with Win7 users having problem getting into an ADB shell.

navigate to C>Windows>System32>Drivers
Look for a file called usbstor.sys
You need to delete this file. If you need helping with permissions, let me know. I don't know how much you know about windows.
After deleting this file turn the phone off and boot into recovery.
Connect and 'click out' the SD card.
In CMD prompt run the loop file.
Click the power button and wait 10 seconds.
Volume down then power button....
Just after the white HTC screen you will hear your computer beep for an un-detect presumably for the SD click the SD back in as soon as you hear that sound. My Win7 realized the old drivers were no longer there and decided to use the ones we need.

After this process just follow the 'root in 10 minutes' video that mejdam posted and you should be good.

Let me know how it goes. Oh and worse case, if you're concerned with deleting system files, Windows will re-find it after we're done.

i tried it exactly like you said and the loop never changed :( my phone is never gonna get root lol
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Let me know how it goes. Oh and worse case, if you're concerned with deleting system files, Windows will re-find it after we're done.

Or you could rename the file to usbstor.sys.bak if you are really nervous about deleting windows files.'ll get there. It just goes smoother for some folks and not so smooth for others.
Let me know how it goes. Oh and worse case, if you're concerned with deleting system files, Windows will re-find it after we're done.

Or you could rename the file to usbstor.sys.bak if you are really nervous about deleting windows files.'ll get there. It just goes smoother for some folks and not so smooth for others.

Or you could just restore it from the bin. I kinda forgot about that in all my excitement earlier:laugh:

My friend just left owing me 50$ I told him I could do it in 3 tries or less of pulling his battery with the loop.bat
UPDATE: sorry I miswrote this one a bit. My friend was getting into recovery
He couldn't push files after that cause he hadn't clicked on install from sdcard and let it error out.

He tried all weekend with no avial, I did it first shot on his.
And seeing it was my 3rd DI I did it in less than 10 minutes including removing all of the sence crap.

His phone is super snappy for stock kernal he's very happy.

when you run the loop.bat in recovery, did you make sure to run install from sdcard first and let it error ?

thats what my friend wasn't doing
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MAD - curious how you removed sense.
And I never ran the install before the loop.
sorry I messed up that last saying

My freind was getting into recovery but couldn't push files sorry

as for removing sence I just removed parts not it in its entirety
Im sure using these commands and root explorer to find the other apps exact names and wyou could take it all out.

to remove apps

#Remove Peep
/system/bin/rm /system/app/
/system/bin/rm /system/app/HtcTwitter.apk

#Remove FootPrints
/system/bin/rm /system/app/HtcFootprintsWidget.apk
/system/bin/rm /system/app/HtcFootprints.apk

#Remove Stocks
/system/bin/rm /system/app/Stock.apk
/system/bin/rm /system/app/

#Remove Visual Voice Mail, The Icon Remains
/system/bin/rm /system/app/VVM.apk

#Remove Quick Office and PDF Viewer.
/system/bin/rm /system/app/Quickoffice.apk
/system/bin/rm /system/app/PDFViewer.apk

#Remove FaceBook, Updated Version In Market
/system/bin/rm /system/app/Facebook.apk
/system/bin/rm /system/app/HtcFacebook.apk

#Remove Teeter
/system/bin/rm /system/app/teeter.apk

#Remove Vzw BackUp Assistant
##WARNING## You MUST Do A Factory Reset If You Remove These
## Or You Will Have Force Close Problem in Accounts & Sync
/system/bin/rm /system/app/VzWBAClient.apk
/system/bin/rm /system/app/VzWBAService.apk
sorry not yet :(
I wish, all in good time wait for Buglas beast :)

Grab root explorer and search out all the Files related to Sense UI then use those commands and you could take it all out. jUst time consuming, unless someone does ti then pastes it all in a batch file for us :)

I'd do it but I have so little time these days.
Im so far behind on the superman theme I been working on putting out for my Moto droid and I been working on a lowdef one for my friend to put on his 3g fender.

That and I have 3 laptops here to fix so im running low on time since I cant get off these forums since thursday night. I got about 5 hours sleep since thursday night couldn't put my incredible down as I was trying to theme it as well. That is not so easy yet ;(
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I have my fingers crossed that I still have my Incredible by the time ROMs start coming through. Especially a Pete ROM. BB was always amazing for my Moto.
the commands I posted

They work fine, just have to run the samething you did when you got root, in order to get in adb shell, once your there type "su" without quotes and hit enter then you can enter the codes one at a time. if that errors then you didn't complete the root proces completely :(
. If you need helping with permissions, let me know. I don't know how much you know about windows.

Well I have no clue how to delete it I get an error saying "You require permission from TrustedInstaller to make changes to this file"

Filename USBSTOR.sys

Right click the file>Properties>Security tab>Advanced tab at bottom
Advanced Security window opens>Owner tab
Click edit
Owner window opens
Highlight your username and click apply
OK out of all the windows except the first one (USBSTOR.sys properties)
In this window, highlight your username and click edit
A permissions window pops up
Highlight your username and click allow for full control
Apply and OK out of the windows
Delete the file
They work fine, just have to run the samething you did when you got root, in order to get in adb shell, once your there type "su" without quotes and hit enter then you can enter the codes one at a time. if that errors then you didn't complete the root proces completely :(

We know they work fine.
Givemedew is talking about a completely different permissions error.