DROID Learning Curve (what was your previous phone?)


Had the Treo700w. Learning curve moving to Droid not bad at all. Do miss the Treo keyboard though. (Got use to it).
WinMobile (all flavors since Beta & v1.0 public release) to Android.

Basic Skills / Learning Curve:
15 Minutes

With Forum Support:
Advanced User in under a week! :icon_ banana:

- Mega


Silver Member
Coming from LG Dare (really disappointed with it).

Learning curve about half an hour. After spending a DAY scouring multiple Adroid/droid related forums became an advanced user in about a day lol. I really enjoy learning new things.

Having an iPod touch did help a Little, well sorta...ok maybe marginally.


New Member
I had the Samsung u740 (Alias) before the droid for about 3 years. It is a very basic phone and I only used it for phone calls and texting. I held off on upgrading after my first 2 years because I was waiting for a good smart phone for verizon. It took me no time at all to learn how to use it though.


iPhone 3G, I love my Droid.

It took a good couple of days to learn every little thing on the phone, I did not put it down the first week. I've explored just about everything on this phone. I love my keyboard shortcuts.


BB pearl to Storm (short lived) to Curve to Tour to The Droid. Of all of these phones, the Droid had a much higher learning curve for me with the Pearl being second. Obviously the Pearls learning curve was due to it being my first BB. Same with the Droid being my first Android phone. Still...the Droid does have a steeper learning curve.