A very easy guide to Rooting, backup, and ROM flashing for the D2....


New Member
Quick followup, ldopa. This version of Android Tether didn't work for me after rooting. Neither did a couple other wireless tether apps that are on Android Marketplace.

I tried instead Wifi Tether for Root Users v3.1beta2 (google it), and it worked for my D2 with Gingerbread 2.3.3. After installing, set it up by select DroidX as your device profile. In addition, I also selected Change Setup-Method to Hostapd (master). So far, it works.


Sometimes it will hang while running the exploit on the 1st try. It's common. If it happens, just pull the battery (it won't hurt don't worry!). Reboot the phone and once it's completely rebooted (give it 3 min or so), run z4 again. It should work within a minute or so (it will run the exploit, reboot and you'll be rooted).


This worked. Thanks for the tip!

Should be in the sticky!