Trident ELECTRA?!


Has anyone tried out the Trident Electra? It comes with a 3200mAh battery, apparently...but the case looks just like the Cyclops, except it only comes in black.

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The Electra is also priced at $70 and quite elusive...haven't found it anywhere except Trident's website, a bunch of no-name websites, and eBay. Has it just been released? How do you guys think this will compare to the Kraken? Also, does anyone know if you can slip an extended battery and door into the Kraken?
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I just ordered the Electra from ebay. I'll post a review as soon as I have reliable info. I rely heavily on personal reviews so I plan on doing my best. I really like my X and the prospect of twice the battery life is very appealing.
I have the Electra installed on my X now. My first impression is this thing is a well designed brick. Not really a bad thing because bricks are tough and can be used for self defense :) I never expected this thing to be small though. You can read the reviews on the cyclops and those will accurately describe this case because this is just a cyclops on steroids. One difference with this case is that it has two indented protrusions on the side of the case. I emailed Trident to find out what these things are for. Turns out they are for a holster yet to be designed and will be only if demand exists. One bit of advise though concerning the screen, before installing on your phone hold the top cover over the top of a baby powder bottle and squeeze so that the fine particles of talcum powder stick to the inside of the screen protector. This will prevent the oil slick effect. Sounds strange but it works and the screen is clear. I also have a clear protector screen guard on as well and this arrangement still works great.
As far as battery life is concerned the jury is still out. I charged my battery last night for about six hours and my gauge says I'm at 70% with moderate usage. I have to believe my gauge will not be accurate anyway. I'll post how the battery holds up later.
So far I like the case but I'm still getting used to the size. I can still pocket this but I can notice it more as I walk. The trade out is worth it if you want good protection and long battery life.

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Thanks for the review. I have been on the fence with this for several days. Can't decide if I want this big of a case. I do like the fact that the case is sealed tight. Thought this might be a good case while mowing. I also talked to trident yesterday and they said that the holster for the kraken will fit the Electra as well, but that holster got terrible reviews.

Do you own any other cases for the x, and are you glad you purchased this.

I've had the Electra on my phone for over a week. I've been using Juice Plotter and Juice Defender and I get a solid 1.75 times battery life with moderate usage as compared to the stock battery. I went on a weekend getaway last week and was the only one with a working phone by the end of the second day. It's times like those you will find new fondness for the extra battery life. There are some trade offs but for me it's not an issue. Of course the phone is thicker, about the thickness of a deck of cards, but the phone feels nice in my hand. It's more noticeable in my pocket as the larger battery does weigh more but I can deal with it. I feel that my phone is protected very well without being overly cumbersome. All the functions of my phone work as well as when the case is off. I never installed the camera lens cover and I pulled they PET screen protector off as well. I already have a screen protector installed from Clear Protector and is the only screen protector I've used for years and love it. The built in screen protector worked very well even with my screen protector installed. The only reason I removed the built in screen protector is because of the oil slick that happens. The ritual of putting just the right amount of baby powder on the built in screen protector got to be too much. The Clear Protector has less glare and is much more slick and easier to text. I'm swyping this review on my phone very easily and fast because it's just so slick.
The only nitpicky things I would change are the port covers and the lint grabbing aspects of the silicon cover. The two port covers seem to open just a little too easily. The headphone cover feels like it might just tear off if I don't baby it. The lint seems to be sticking a little less though lately. This could mean that my pockets are now totally clean or the silicon is getting a little less sticky. I'm not sure I would buy a holster but I might if the price is right and it got good reviews. I wrote Trident about a holster and they didn't mention that the Kraken holster would work but I read that they do. I would imagine because the reviews for the holster are so bad. I bought the Electra on ebay for $55 shipped and feel like I got a good deal. I recommend this case and believe this will spend more time on my phone than my Incipio. I really like my Incipio case and will still use it when a small case is required.
I just sold my Cyclops as I'm happier with the Electra and the longer battery life. I bet you will too.

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Finally jumped in and got the Electra as well. I love the case. Got mine on EBAY as well from Cyclopscase. Great seller. Still getting used to the different aspects of the case, but actually like the size. It. Just seems to feel better in my hand. I am not having any trouble with lint yet. Would love to see Trident come up with a better holster, they told me last week that the Kraken holster would fit the Electra but the reviews for that holster are horrible. When I asked Trident about that, they basically just said they wouldn't sell anything that hadn't been fully tested and they didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with it. I am not sure about it. Anyway, I appreciate your initial review on this it helped me make up my mind.

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T and Rsmin, I have a question. I am looking for something like this case to protect my X during a trip to Cancun. I want to take my X to the beach and would like to not worry as much about water and sand whiling taking pictures and maybe videos... Is this case water-resistant? I am not planning on actually going in the water WITH the phone... but I certainly will be among water and sand.

** I alreday have the Innocell 2600 extended batterty (two of them). So I just need a solid case for an extended battery. If they sold the case without the battery and reduced the price, that would be best for me.

So my question is this: Would you feel safe with your phone in Cancun for one week?