Thoughts on Nexus 4? (no word of an LTE model yet)


Sep 20, 2011
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I've been following the rumors and now official release of the Nexus 4 by LG. I have to say I'm underwhelmed; only 16GB of storage? I know there's no mention of a LTE model yet (and no rumors) but even if there were I'm not sure I would be ready to drop my GNex for the Nexus 4. The phones look the same, and though there's some updated specs on the Nexus 4 my GNex does everything I need it too. I still can't use it to levitate, but maybe that's in a future update :blink:

As GNex users/lovers what are your thoughts on the Nexus 4? If there was an LTE version would you be ready to switch over?
Not too impressed with it to be honest. I have to admit the whole glass thing makes it look more elegant, but overall I wasn't blown away by it.

Once we get 4.2 we'll pretty much the same experience and LTE as a huge plus.

Verizon didn't deserve another Nexus and it looks like Google has decided that as well. Will we see the next Nexus after the 4? Don't know, but I can agree with Google's choice not to let Verizon have one.
Not overwhelmed with it either, it seems the processor may be much quicker but my Galaxy Nexus is the first phone I have had (prior, a Thunderbolt and a OG Droid) that didn't leave me wanting for more. It's still fast, smooth, with a beautiful screen, and every feature I could want. I love my phone :lol:
check out the poll on droid life, over 70% of people said they're not interested in an lg nexus. can't blame them, neither am i, unless this proves to be the first lg phone that isn't a cheap piece of crap. the specs aren't much different than the current nexus anyway.
The 4.1.1 update was handled pretty well IMO. Some delay but I can live with a couple months for VZW to test etc (I'd rather not, but I can lol).

If VZW doesn't get more Nexus devices I will really have to re-think the whole AT&T vs VZW thing. I really enjoy having a Nexus device and not sure I want to go back to a non-Nexus phone.
The 4.1.1 update was handled pretty well IMO. Some delay but I can live with a couple months for VZW to test etc (I'd rather not, but I can lol).

If VZW doesn't get more Nexus devices I will really have to re-think the whole AT&T vs VZW thing. I really enjoy having a Nexus device and not sure I want to go back to a non-Nexus phone.

i'm sticking with vzw for the lte network. att's "4g" is nothing more than hspa+ (slightly faster 3g)
The 4.1.1 update was handled pretty well IMO. Some delay but I can live with a couple months for VZW to test etc (I'd rather not, but I can lol).

If VZW doesn't get more Nexus devices I will really have to re-think the whole AT&T vs VZW thing. I really enjoy having a Nexus device and not sure I want to go back to a non-Nexus phone.
I lost faith in their support before the device even launched. Look how long we had to wait to get the first minor update.

i'm sticking with vzw for the lte network. att's "4g" is nothing more than hspa+ (slightly faster 3g)
AT&T has an LTE network and it's pretty darn fast. Though of course the Nexus 4 won't be running on it.
I know there's no mention of a LTE model yet (and no rumors)
LTE was left out purposefully. I can't remember where I read it, but LTE was left out because of the "hybrid networking" where you need two radios in a phone for it to work. They want to wait until LTE is more pure or less hybridish... They site the Gnex wasn't a good experience because they had to include two radios which just ate the battery up.

As GNex users/lovers what are your thoughts on the Nexus 4? If there was an LTE version would you be ready to switch over?
LG had some good non-smartphones. When they got into the smartphone market, that success didn't translate over very well (IMHO). Now the Nexus 4 doesn't appear to be a bad phone except for the lack of 4G LTE and storage. I'll tell you this, if they kept the price the way it is now, added LTE and 64GB storage, they wouldn't be able to keep them on the shelves.
LTE was left out purposefully. I can't remember where I read it, but LTE was left out because of the "hybrid networking" where you need two radios in a phone for it to work. They want to wait until LTE is more pure or less hybridish... They site the Gnex wasn't a good experience because they had to include two radios which just ate the battery up.

LG had some good non-smartphones. When they got into the smartphone market, that success didn't translate over very well (IMHO). Now the Nexus 4 doesn't appear to be a bad phone except for the lack of 4G LTE and storage. I'll tell you this, if they kept the price the way it is now, added LTE and 64GB storage, they wouldn't be able to keep them on the shelves.

If they added LTE and got a 64gb version then they wouldn't be able to keep the price it is now. It'd eventually fall to that price but not for a release of course and not for awhile.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
If they added LTE and got a 64gb version then they wouldn't be able to keep the price it is now. It'd eventually fall to that price but not for a release of course and not for awhile.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
Im 99.99% sure Im gonna get this phone bro.
It looks like a Galaxy Nexus clone. I don't like the look of it at all. Zero interest in it.
I like the design but its too big of a device imo. Devices the size of the galaxy nexus are perfect