Screen Protectors; what do you do?


Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
San Diego
What is the general consensus on screen protectors? I really like the feel of the glass and I think the plastic smudges easier and I've never used them; but is that a mistake on my part? The guy who sold me my Gnex actually applied one on my screen; while watched and wondered if i should stop him. So far I've left it on; even though I'd really prefer to take it off. Are they really necessary? I had a Droid for years and never put one on that phone and never scratched the glass.
I wouldn't say they are a necessity, but more of a peace of mind type of thing.

From my personal experience, I used a screen protector on my first OG Droid and thought it was alright. My Dinc I didn't use a screen protector at all and I sort of regret that decision. From just a glance the screen looked to have had been in perfect condition but from certain angles you can see little scratches.

As for my GN, I've had a screen protector on it since day 1 and don't regret it one bit. I spend alot of time outdoors and when I go out to play basketball (outdoors), I leave it on the ground where it's exposed to whatever flies by it such as pebbles depending on where I'm playing. It goes in and out different pockets (including bags that may have dirt) so I at least have that peace of mind the screen protector is doing its job. I have a cheap TPU case for these times as well, but never use it during other times.

I admit I do miss the feel of the glass itself and the fact that fingerprints become a magnet, and if it's dirty smudges then you need to give your phone a real good wipe. However, there are some high quality screen protectors out there that don't feel like the cheap ones from Verizon and feel much better.

So it comes to the user. If you're careful with your device and it lays around on a desk or something most of the day then I don't think you'd need one. If you're the type of person who spends alot of time outdoors then maybe you'd want to invest in one. And if you're the clumsy type you should invest in one along with an Otterbox case :p
Thanks for those comments. My phone has a much more sedate lifestyle, it's always in my pocket, except when I'm home. But I guess I'll leave the film on; for now.
Thanks for those comments. My phone has a much more sedate lifestyle, it's always in my pocket, except when I'm home. But I guess I'll leave the film on; for now.
I guess my advice to you is since it's on see how you like it. Give it a few weeks and see if you like it. If you don't then it's easy to remove.