Nexus Watches coming....

I know Moto has stated that they're not going to refresh the 360 with AW 2.0. Maybe we can hold out hope that they had a hand in one of these new watches?

In any case, I'm glad to see SOMEONE is going to put out some new watches. All of the articles on how smartwatches are a dying trend hurt my heart. I love mine and will want to upgrade eventually, so they better keep making them.

I still think that Google has made a misstep by pushing the launch date of AW 2.0 back so far. They better REALLY bring something to the table with this update that hasn't been leaked or rumored so far. Everything I've seen about it makes it seem like a nice incremental upgrade, but nothing to justify the timeline being stretched so hard.
Look at it this way. It has been pushed back so far, the tech is being forgotten about so when they do finally introduce it it'll be like a brand new tech. I'm still holding out that AW2 is going to be such a game changer that it'll blow away users that try it out because of not only its capabilities but its developer support foundation. The hardware is already there, the developer support is already there and finally the software/firmware will be able to meet up with the existing.

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