Hi from Georgia!!


New Member
Hello Everyone. I hope everyone is having a wonderful year so far!! Dancing Nexus I am here because I need help with my Droid bionic. I have been with verizon for 14 years and decided to switch to pageplus. At that time I had a Iphone 4S. That phone croaked and my son give me his droid bionic. Well turns out I cant turn it on with page plus because its 4G and it need to be flashed. Can anyone please help me flash my phone. I am unable to pay someone right now and this old verizon chocolate-flip phone im using temporarily is driving me NUTS!!!!:mad: i have Android version 4.1.2
Thanks in advance:hail::hail:
You can start the process here: Droid Bionic Hacks

I am not familiar with pageplus so I do not know what you would have to flash to make it work but the link I gave you will get you where you need to be.