Gym Armband?

Got a 4Gig Sansa Clip from WalMart on sale for $25 that I use as my gym MP3 player with VModa Bass Freq headphones from Amazon for $16. This is a killer combo. I just couldn't see strapping this brick to my arm. The bluetooth sounds nice for the gym though. If I were to do that I'd probably just carry the phone and sit it down with my towel and water bottle. For me the Clip works perfect. I can't even feel it clipped to my shirt. Of course I can't take calls on the Sansa so that would be an issue but I go to the gym to work out not to chat but that's just me.
Resurrecting an old thread here. What have people found with their armbands? I just downloaded the Soft Race app and want to get going with that. What have y'all found to work?

I got this one from amazon. Its called the sportband from eforcity. I got it really cheap, about 6 bucks including shipping. I have a Seidio case on my phone and it still fits in the armband perfect
I wonder if I could wear that under my shirt. I don't think I'd like it over my shirt. The most important thing for me is that I have my Droid with me. I don't really care for music while I run, but I do use the GPS apps like Run.GPS. So it'd be OK if my Droid was not on my arm. Though I didn't really mind it too much today. I noticed some slipping, but it wasn't bad. but it's also only about 70-75 degrees here today. What's going to happen when it's up around 110?
Sports Arm Band

I have been using the Belkin Sports Armband for the iPod Touch. Its a little tight, but seems to work well (been using it for about a month now). I tried a few others and ended up returning them all.. The Belkin allows for full screen access. Only issue I have really found is when the phone rings ... they cant hear you talking, so have to remove from case, which is a pain, since it is a tight fit. The band is comfortable and have access to the volume button and headphone jack.
I have been using the Belkin Sports Armband for the iPod Touch. Its a little tight, but seems to work well (been using it for about a month now). I tried a few others and ended up returning them all.. The Belkin allows for full screen access. Only issue I have really found is when the phone rings ... they cant hear you talking, so have to remove from case, which is a pain, since it is a tight fit. The band is comfortable and have access to the volume button and headphone jack.

I put the phone in upside down, so the mic sticks out the top. People seem to have no problem hearing me.
I can see the amphipod airflow lite working for me as a runner, I use JayBird Freedom Bluetooth headphones, I can change tracks and answer the phone without accessing the Droid. At the gym I just set my phone down with my towel. You know these phones are just a little heavy to strap to your arm. I know distance runners, using the armband, might have a problem with slippage once the sweat starts. The fanny pack looks like the way to go since it also hold keys and ID.
Yeah, these phones do seem a little heavy. However, I've been using the Belkin armband for a few months now. I haven't had any problems with slipping, even when I've been sweating. Even when running in the Tucson afternoons in 110°+ weather, I never feel like it moves. I can still control my screen without any trouble.
Also, I recommend getting the SportyPal app, if You don't already have it. It's the best fitness GPS app I've seen.
>Mild thread hijacking<
The SportyPal Pro app does a lot more than just distance and time. It also has a website that it uploads information to so you can view it more easily. It does that automatically. You just have to go create your little profile and it does the rest. It will also publish to your Facebook or Twitter account, if you want. I found that to be a good feature, as it kind of keeps the peer-pressure on me to not stop running.
As I recall, it's also won an award for best sports app or something. I'm a total geek for it. I could talk all day about how I love it. You won't be disappointed.
I use SportsTracker Pro and Runner together; what a fantastic combo! You can set it up so that it automatically tweets or posts to facebook when you start a run and then the results after you're done. Not only that, but people can follow a link to your SportsTracker profile and actually watch your run LIVE! There's more stats than I've ever seen with any other app. Period.
Arkon makes an armband that fits the Droid:

Arkon Mega Grip Smartphone Mount for Motorola Droid 2, Droid X, and HTC Droid Incredible
Products > Accessories > SM-ARMBAND

[video=youtube;zMWt742iBMU]]YouTube - Sports Armband for iPhone, BlackBerry, HTC, and other Smartphones | Arkon SM-ARMBAND[/video]

Here it is with the Devour, which is almost the same size as the Droid:

Give this one a shot? It looks a little slimmer than the one above, but its made for the Evo so it will definetly fit. Give it a shot and let everyone know what you find out. It does look like one i saw on ebay...