"Google Serivces" killing battery


Aug 30, 2011
Reaction score
My battery drained ~40% overnight and the cuprit looks to be something called "google services". Not sure all this encompasses but here's what I did:Removed "google play music" and "google play video" apps since I never use themSet all apps back to default settings (in effect turning all location services back to off for now)Went into my google account and unchecked all the "sync" options with the exception of calendar, and gmailAnything else anyone can think of? Not sure if this will even correct the issue but I'm optimistic. I have a feeling it was just trying to sync everything on somewhat of a regular basis.
Sounds like you're on the right track. I have WiFi and locations services on 24/7 and only see 4% (at most) battery use overnight. But I don't think that Google Services is where the problem is. It shows as my number one user of battery but under "data" it's number 8. Do you have any power saving apps installed, like Battery Guru, (which I think helps a lot)?
I have juice defender which is why I am shocked this happened. I wish there were a "one stop shop" to see all the individual apps/settings I need to focus on. I'm hunting and pecking here and it still looks high to me but I really need to wait until overnight to get a better sense for what's going on. I think what happened was that when I reset the phone I opted into a bunch of "location" type settings for ALL apps so chrome, music, etc. were all running in the background and doing things I didn't want them to do. Just a hunch...
Google Services usually runs high when I am using Google Now, I pretty much keep that and all the location services off and it never gets high anymore.
Can you tell me how you keep them off (what specific settings)? That would be a tremendous help as I'm not sure where they may be in the menu structure.
Settings>Location Access>Access to my location

Google + Settings from your APP drawer is another one to turn off.
Try running the phone with JuiceDefender off. It may be causing conflict which is why your battery is draining so fast.

Last night for the sake of an experiment I left sync, mobile data, and wifi on and I only lost 6% over 9hrs (I usually turn off mobile, sync, and wifi). I closed all apps and cleared memory via the built in Task Manager before doing so. I'm also using BatteryGuru and Greenify, so those two apps also came into effect
Settings>Location Access>Access to my locationGoogle + Settings from your APP drawer is another one to turn off.
But if you turn this particular blanket setting off, doesn't it mean you won't be able to:1. Get weather updates for your location2. Use maps based on your locationetc.??? Unless that is you simply turn it on only when needed.
Got it. Thanks so much! I will at least do this before I go to bed each night. After the update I lost more 50% battery life overnight. Before the update it it was more like 10%!
Where is the task manger? I dont recall seeing this
There's a widget for it called "app manager" or something like that. It's the only widget I use...amazing how often things "pop up" to run in the background!
I may actually do a factory reset on this to start from scratch. How is it done on the S4? I just googled it but came up with a lot of "root" info but I'm not going down that path again.
I may actually do a factory reset on this to start from scratch. How is it done on the S4? I just googled it but came up with a lot of "root" info but I'm not going down that path again.
Go to Settings --> Accounts --> Backup and Reset