Apple Denied Rights To "Multi-touch"

these threads should all be closed after the first post. I appreciate the news team bringing the news but the posts afterward are always so cynical and predictable.

Agreed. Some of us will voice our disgust that Apple spends more time going to court than trying to bring new products to market and is wasting legal resources every day, and then the Apple fanbois will come running in to defend them.

Same old, same old.
No, you are simply defending Apple, which you do in every single thread that mentions them.

Why are they attempting to trade-mark something that they did not invent, and that was in use before they used it?

Stop playing semantics in your attempt to always defend Apple.

Of course I'm defending Apple in this case, when you were blatantly wrong! haha, what do you want me to do ignore that you were completely misinformed and just agree with you?

You thought this was a patent issue, plain and simple. It's not. You trademark things because you feel you are the one who popularized that thing and don't want someone else to benefit off something that you popularized. Why does Microsoft have a trademark on the word "Windows" when it comes to operating systems? Did they invent the word "windows"? Were they the first company to create an operating system? No. The reason they requested and granted the trademark is when someone says "Windows" in relation to operating systems, people think of the Microsoft Operating System.

You've got to stop thinking everyone is an Apple apologist just because you were corrected.
Agreed. Some of us will voice our disgust that Apple spends more time going to court than trying to bring new products to market and is wasting legal resources every day, and then the Apple fanbois will come running in to defend them.

Same old, same old.

you know I have yet to ever see one real Apple fanboy on this forum. You claim there are some but in reality you just can't handle someone bring an intelligent argument that leans towards the other side.
Of course I'm defending Apple in this case, when you were blatantly wrong! haha, what do you want me to do ignore that you were completely misinformed and just agree with you?

You thought this was a patent issue, plain and simple. It's not. You trademark things because you feel you are the one who popularized that thing and don't want someone else to benefit off something that you popularized. Why does Microsoft have a trademark on the word "Windows" when it comes to operating systems? Did they invent the word "windows"? Were they the first company to create an operating system? No. The reason they requested and granted the trademark is when someone says "Windows" in relation to operating systems, people think of the Microsoft Operating System.

You've got to stop thinking everyone is an Apple apologist just because you were corrected.

Yeah, because after the 173rd thread about Apple filing this or that, and this court ruling or that court ruling, it isn't easy to assume that this is just another lame attempt by them to use the courts to succeed where they are failing in the market...

you know I have yet to ever see one real Apple fanboy on this forum. You claim there are some but in reality you just can't handle someone bring an intelligent argument that leans towards the other side.

When the same one or two people *always* lean towards the "other side", it sorta looks that way, doesn't it?

Of course, if you are one of them, you might not see it that way. LOL
Yeah, because after the 173rd thread about Apple filing this or that, and this court ruling or that court ruling, it isn't easy to assume that this is just another lame attempt by them to use the courts to succeed where they are failing in the market...


Like I said...misinformed. This has nothing to do whatsoever with Android or any other mobile operating system. They were merely looking for a trademark. If they were granted the trademark, it doesn't mean that Android suddenly couldn't use multi-touch, it doesnt mean that Android would have to pay Apple royalties, it doesn't mean that Android is going to take a nose-dive in share and disappear off the face of the planet. The technology was not what was at dispute here, nor was it a suit against any other entity. It was a trademark request, which they were denied.

You should learn to understand what you were reading before jumping to the conclusion that Apple is the evil empire hell bent on destroying all competition through litigation.
When the same one or two people *always* lean towards the "other side", it sorta looks that way, doesn't it?

Of course, if you are one of them, you might not see it that way. LOL

The same can be said about you. Here you are arguing a point that you were 100% wrong about.
When the same one or two people *always* lean towards the "other side", it sorta looks that way, doesn't it?

Of course, if you are one of them, you might not see it that way. LOL

No but I am saying being a fanboy of either side completely blinds you to the other side. I don't hate any inanimate objects. I don't waste my life away hating on these types of things like so many people in these forums seem to do. We get it you love Android and hate Apple. I am clearly an Apple fanboy posting for a year and a half in a Android forum. I have said I will never own an iPhone but I am still a fanboy. Get over your fanboy talk, you look like a child.
No but I am saying being a fanboy of either side completely blinds you to the other side. I don't hate any inanimate objects. I don't waste my life away hating on these types of things like so many people in these forums seem to do. We get it you love Android and hate Apple. I am clearly an Apple fanboy posting for a year and a half in a Android forum. I have said I will never own an iPhone but I am still a fanboy. Get over your fanboy talk, you look like a child.

I only hate the practice of using the courts to "win" in the market. Apple is going overboard with this crap. So this time it was only a trademark request, to be granted rights to something that they had no part in creating. Maybe I am the wierd one for seeing that as shady. And if it was all that they were doing, perhaps you and the other Apple fan would have a point. But when you look at the whole picture and all the things that Apple is trying to do in the courts these days, it sort of paints a darker picture.
I only hate the practice of using the courts to "win" in the market. Apple is going overboard with this crap. So this time it was only a trademark request, to be granted rights to something that they had no part in creating. Maybe I am the wierd one for seeing that as shady. And if it was all that they were doing, perhaps you and the other Apple fan would have a point. But when you look at the whole picture and all the things that Apple is trying to do in the courts these days, it sort of paints a darker picture.

So you must be totally offended by Windows being trademarked too, huh? Microsoft must have been afraid of Apple coming out with OSX Windows. Believe me you are the weird one for seeing it as shady. Being granted a trademark would have zero effect on Android at all. They would simply call multi-touch something else. It wouldn't affect their sales, their share or their future offerings. Apple can't patent the technology because they didn't invent it, and they didn't try to.
I only hate the practice of using the courts to "win" in the market. Apple is going overboard with this crap. So this time it was only a trademark request, to be granted rights to something that they had no part in creating. Maybe I am the wierd one for seeing that as shady. And if it was all that they were doing, perhaps you and the other Apple fan would have a point. But when you look at the whole picture and all the things that Apple is trying to do in the courts these days, it sort of paints a darker picture.

Yes when you only read Apple news in an Android forum, it does paint a darker picture. That's why I don't rely on this forum for Apple news, actually I could care less about most Apple news. Apple has clearly had legitimate cases in some of their lawsuits or they would have never made it as high as they did in the court system. You cannot argue that TouchWiz is not a direct ripoff of iOS, it's foolish to even attempt to do so. Yes it may have some different features here and there, which is great, but the fact still remains Samsung clearly tried to create something to appeal to the masses that was iPhone like.

As far as this is concerned, Apple wanted to trademark "multi-touch" and were denied, which is good, but if no one trademarked the name before, why not try for it? If the word "pizza" wasn't trademarked and I was granted the trademark for it and got payed everytime the word was used, that would be pretty smart business on my part.
how about
touch me
sametime touch
touch me there and i'll touch you back :p

on another note then lil' wayne should trademark "bling" LOL

thats all for now class dismissed. :p

Should They actually talked about that in a behind the music type show one time. They talked about it like they cant trademark it now. I dont know...but Apple sure does try to cross every T and dot every I when it comes to patents and trademarks. Oh well.

I dont think the thread should be closed tho OneTenderRebel. As long as folks dont get out of hand defending or bashing Apple...its par for the course for any forum. If everybody agreed on everything and defended or bashed the same would make for a boring world. Like I mentioned with Motorola, Bionic haters....I just keep it moving for the most part. Some recent topics I didnt even bother posting in.

Someone called the Pentile screens for the DX2, D3 and Bionic a debacle after hearing Moto going away from Pentile with the Atrix 2. I had to laugh to myself about that one. Mind you...HTC and Samsung both used Pentile for a whole year before moving away....Just like Moto did with the release of the Atrix. I dont remember Pentile being a debacle last year. They are doing exactly like HTC and Samsung did. I only remember seeing ppl post that Samsung made better screens with S Amoled +, not them learning from the Pentile

It is what it is...
Ok the argument stops right now if it continues vacations will be given out! I don't understand why every apple topic turns out like this and most if the time its the same people that sit here and argue, you all know the rules so let's play nice!
Sorry, I got carried away in a couple posts, my overall thought process remains the same, just let the emotion type a bit too much. I want to stay out of these Apple threads so much but I always read something that sucks me in. If you need me I will be in the corner holding my head down in shame.
Sorry, I got carried away in a couple posts, my overall thought process remains the same, just let the emotion type a bit too much. I want to stay out of these Apple threads so much but I always read something that sucks me in. If you need me I will be in the corner holding my head down in shame.

Thank you!!

sent from the droid that controls everything