I sold my Gnex a long time ago. I think the last ROM I had it on was AOKP, which seemed to run the smoothest and to be the most stable. (I think it was AOKP, the one with the angry unicorn lol).
I use my Gnex daily. But mostly just for Pandora. The audio mod I have on it sounds better than my other devices. Here's the rom I was running before replacing it
Unfortunately I'm still using mine. I was going to upgrade to the Turbo but being on the unlimited plan, I needed wireless tethering. Next up is the S6 but I'm going to hold out for the Active model for the battery. I keep my phones for >2 years so a worn out 3500 mAh batt is still better than a worn out 2550 batt. Fortunately, I have 2 extended batteries for my GN courtesy of the free promo.
I'm right there with you, Steveky. I like to hold a phone for 3+ years. I was eyeing the S6, but the non-removable battery was negative for me. I'm eyeing the LG G4 now.
Anyway, what ROM are you using right now on the Gnex?
I have the GNex for my backup to my S5, I'd still use the GNex if the battery use didn't suck so bad. And I used AOKP as well, was a long time crack flasher trying to get the best battery etc.
Retired my GNex after 3 years of service for the LG G3. Last rom I ran on it was Omnimetal by Metalspring. GNex sits on my desk. I top off the extended battery once a month in the event I ever need it in a pinch.