View notifications on lock screen?


Nov 2, 2009
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I'm at wits' end. It drives me nuts that I have to press the wake key then swipe across to unlock then swipe down to bring down the notification bar just to see what the new notifications are. There has to be a way to display the notifications on the lock screen (new email/txts), right? I've searched and searched and haven't found the answer. Please help.
I'm at wits' end. It drives me nuts that I have to press the wake key then swipe across to unlock then swipe down to bring down the notification bar just to see what the new notifications are. There has to be a way to display the notifications on the lock screen (new email/txts), right? I've searched and searched and haven't found the answer. Please help.

Great question...I would love to know how to do this as well.
there is a program that will show texts for about 15 seconds if the screen is off/locked. give me a few min ill find it.

other then that i dunno
I'm not too sure if this is the right ap for you but I use SMS popup and it overrides the wake and lock when receiving incoming texts and notifications.
That app will not give notifications when the screen is locked.
uhhhh... 10 minutes ago I got a notification on my FB.... Pressed reply to reply without touching the wake key and swiping.

Hold on. I sent an email from my hotmail address to my gmail. Lets see if it works.

Texts wake my phone automatically... all 101 of them since Saturday on sms popup.
i agree. i hate having to wake the phone up to do those. i understand the purpose, but you should be able to override the phone swipe w/ it. You couldnt do that w/ the iphone, either though. the nice thing about the iphone (i say this a lot, but im not saying the droid is bad, cuz i like it just as much) was the home button on the bottom. its easier to press and you can do it quick and easy in damn near one motion (click button swipe w/ thumb to open)
Handcent SMS is the program you're looking for. Displays SMS popups with the lock screen on. One of those programs you shouldnt get caught without.
SMS Popup wakes the phone...

[video=youtube;jmJgwv9EXOY]"]YouTube - SMS Popup Android App Review -[/video]

In the setting area you can change the screen timeout as the screen does turn on when you receive a new message. If you’re worried about your privacy, you can set it to hide the contents of the message until you’ve unlocked your phone. You can even customize it to blur the background for a nice effect when you receive a new message.

Meaning, you don't need to unlock it first....
Ok.. so here's the deal with SMS popup. Texts wake the screen. FB notifications wake the screen. All email notifications will use the settings but not wake screen.

Hopefully there's an ap that'll allow that soon.. or if there is one... let us know guys... thanks
Handcent Popup: For months I was using an app from the Android Market called Popup SMS. It would display and incoming SMS in a pop-up window so that you didn't have to drag down your notification bar, click you sms and then read it. All the information you need was right there on the screen. Popup SMS was my app of choice until Hancent added the same feature to their app. Hancent's poppup sms message allows you to read the new message, reply to it, view other messages, or go to the sender's contact information.

Good review of Handset: HTC Source - Android App Review: Handcent gives you full control over your SMS
Handcent does everything SMS Popup does, but adds so much more. I love the quicktext feature, since i never use the camera button. Plus you can customize different notification tones, you can reply back on the notification without opening up another program.

The list goes on and on.
Handcent SMS is the program you're looking for. Displays SMS popups with the lock screen on. One of those programs you shouldnt get caught without.
excellent APP...One of the beauty's of it also is that it works as a "native" app not to mention the HUGE inventory list of customizations..

Best SMS/MMS app I think