On my birthday(Oct 28th), I splurged on myself and got a Droid X. I previously had a D1, and loved it. I love my Droid X now, too, but was looking for an answer about returning a phone and exchanging for the same device. My D1 had a dead/stuck pixel at the lower left of the screen and never bothered me much. My DX has one very close to the center of the screen. I noticed it almost immediately, and even though it's just one pixel, I use dark/black themes and the white dot just draws my attention and is driving me insane. I'm still within my 30 days, but would I have to return the phone and redo the upgrade, or would they just do a swap? I realize I'm risking getting a phone with more pixel problems, but... I'm willing to risk it, just because of how much this bugs the crap outta me. Thanks for any info.