tubedroid v2.6?


New Member
Feb 23, 2010
Reaction score
My favorite app tubedroid stopped working for me...I know we don't like talking about non google approved apps...but I would like to find a place to get it. I wouldn't mind paying for it.. any help would be great.
Is there a reason we shouldn't talk about it?

Or was it pulled for a reason?
YouTube changed the codes on it's page.
There is a free app on th market called JetVD, works flawless, more you can choose the quality of the vid you want to download.
I bought TubeDroid back in February, I don't use it that often or I would have noticed it doesn't work by now. This is one of the downfalls with applications, even ones from the Market, after the first 24hrs nothing is promised *Mad Face*
I bought TubeDroid back in February, I don't use it that often or I would have noticed it doesn't work by now. This is one of the downfalls with applications, even ones from the Market, after the first 24hrs nothing is promised *Mad Face*

That's more than the Apple Store customers could say :)

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