Credit to Cory Streater @ Android Central - Site link Thunderbolt: Apps that are safe to remove once rooted. - Android Forums
Please read carefully and proceed with caution
Please read carefully and proceed with caution
This list has been created based on my prior experiences with a variety of devices. I am very confident that the Verizon Bloatware, Live Wallpapers, and Widgets listed below can be safely renamed/moved. I am somewhat confident that the HTC apps can also be safely removed based on pervious experience with both the EVO and Incredible. That said, this is a new device with an updated version of Sense. If you do not want to be a test case, you should wait for others to confirm these apps are safe to remove. Do not throw stones at me if something goes wrong.
Before you begin:
- Before you start making changes, I would strongly recommend backing up your device with a program like Titanium Backup (also in the market).
- All of the files below are in /system/app.
- The most popular file explorer for accessing and moving these files is called Root Explorer. When you navigate to the above directory, you will need to verify that the it says this in the upper right corner: Mount R/O. If it says: Mount R/W, push to toggle.
- Instead of deleting files, I would recommend either:
- Renaming them from <filename.apk> to <filename.apk.old> For example, there's a file called Blockbuster_htc.apk in the system/app folder. If you long press on this file, in root explorer, you have the option of renaming it. Select this and add .old to the end. Once you do this, it will no longer show up in your app drawer and there will be no trace of it starting up with the OS.
- Alternatively, you could move these files to your SD card (this is what I do) if you don't want them eating up space in your system folder. But do not delete these files. Historically, on other phones, OTA updates have failed if the bloatware doesn't exist. The system folder had to be exactly the way it was when the phone shipped.
- Before you rename or move an app in the /system/app folder, check the list below. If it is not listed, or you are unsure if it is safe to modify, please ask first. To be safe, I would only remove the apps listed below, until it is updated.
- If an APK file also has an associated ODEX file, the ODEX can be renamed/moved also.
- Do not remove any file starting with VzWBA (related to Verizon Backup Manager). Your TB will croak.
- Kindle-OEM-
- Blockbuster_htc.apk
- CityID.apk (Apparently this app can also be uninstalled prior to root. See post #5 for more details.
- VCast.apk
- VzNav.apk
- VZW_BitBop.apk
- VZW_Golf.apk
- VZW_Rhapsody.apk
- VZW_RockBandStub.apk
- VVM.apk
- HtcClockWidget.apk
- htccontactwidgets.apk
- htcmailwidgets.apk
- HtcMimWidget.apk
- HtcPhotoWidget.apk
- HtcPowerStripWidget.apk
- HtcProfileWidget.apk
- HtcSyncwidget.apk
- HtcScreenBrightnessWidget.apk
- LiveWallpapers.apk
- LiveWallpapersPicker.apk
- MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk
- Mode10Wallpapers.apk
- VisualizationWallpapers.apk
- appsharing.apk
- calculator.apk
- Flashlight.apk
- Flickr.apk
- GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk
- HtcCarPanel.apk
- HTCLocationPicker.apk
- HTCSetupWizard.apk
- HtcSoundRecorder.apk
- HtcStreamPlayer.apk
- HtcTwitter.apk
- HTMLViewer.apk
- QuickLookup.apk
- Quickoffice.apk
- SocialNetworkProvider.apk
- Stock.apk
- Street.apk
- VoiceDialer.apk
- VoiceSearch.apk
- WidgetDwonloadManager.apk
- WifiRouter.apk
- AdobeReader.apk
- Calculator.apk
- HTCFMRadio.apk
- There will be others, I'm sure, but I won't be the first to try.
- If there are additional apps that you have successfully renamed or moved, please post them in this thread.
- Instead of the built in browser use Dolphin HD.
- Use Google Maps with Navigation instead of VZ Navigator.
- Buy apps through the Amazon MP3 store instead of the VCast music app.
- Convert movies using DVD Catalyst 3, then transfer to your SD card instead of using the VCast video app.
- For file browsing try using Root Explorer.
- Search AppBrain for a free caller ID - instead of the subscription based CityID app.
- Instead of the Verizon IM client search AppBrain for an IM client app and/or stick to the built in Gtalk application.