I've just joined the community of Droid owners, and am loving my Droid X immensely.
One application I am unable to find, is one that would allow me to remotely access my extensive collection of .mp3 files through my Droid.
Driving a truck for a living, I've tried the XM radio approach, but it suffers from bad reception. Portable .mp3 players work, alright, but then again, so would my Droid, and why carry two devices when one should be adequate?
Having remote access, would save on using up my Droid's SD card memory, and I could play whatever suited my fancy at the moment, even going so far as to create a playlist on the fly.
I often find myself unable to find a decent station on the road, lately, in central California, every station seems to be in Spanish. If the radio in the truck had a mini 3.5 mm earphone jack, I could even play the tracks through the stereo's speakers. dancedroid
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One application I am unable to find, is one that would allow me to remotely access my extensive collection of .mp3 files through my Droid.
Driving a truck for a living, I've tried the XM radio approach, but it suffers from bad reception. Portable .mp3 players work, alright, but then again, so would my Droid, and why carry two devices when one should be adequate?
Having remote access, would save on using up my Droid's SD card memory, and I could play whatever suited my fancy at the moment, even going so far as to create a playlist on the fly.
I often find myself unable to find a decent station on the road, lately, in central California, every station seems to be in Spanish. If the radio in the truck had a mini 3.5 mm earphone jack, I could even play the tracks through the stereo's speakers. dancedroid
Give a shout back if you have heard of an app such as this, or even if you want to show solidarity for such an app.
D. device
R. really
O. out performs
I. i-phone
D. decidedly