Straight talk from Walmart


Jul 19, 2010
Reaction score
any way to port a droid to that network?
I hear tons of good things about it, its supposed to use VZ towers:icon_ banana:
Maybe when Wal-Mart has a special it flashes on your Droid and you can be the first to get it???? :confused:
No he is talking about a pre pay wireless and its name is Straight Talk. Its 50 bucks a month for unlimited talk text and data that uses verizons network. What he is asking is if you can flash the software in the phone to that network. I have heard of people doing this for Criket.
First, read this forum to get an idea of what would be involved:Howard Forums

It isn't legal in the USA and is frowned upon by nearly everyone in the cellular community.

If you decide it's a risk you'd be willing to take, go here and here to get an idea of how dumb of an idea it is.

Spend the extra $30 for peace of mind.
First, read this forum to get an idea of what would be involved:Howard Forums

It isn't legal in the USA and is frowned upon by nearly everyone in the cellular community.

If you decide it's a risk you'd be willing to take, go here and here to get an idea of how dumb of an idea it is.

Spend the extra $30 for peace of mind.
thanks for the links, Ill check them out

its now legal to jail break BTW
iPhone jailbreaking (and all cell phone unlocking) made legal - Yahoo! News

er, I wasnt talking about phone clonning.
does anyone have instructions for flashing my droid eris to straight talk
I am pretty sure this is all illegal activity. Why not just buy a regular straight talk phone and use it like that. I have one for my business and it works wonderful. No need to try and do anything weird when straight talk already provides great phones.
Any advice on the straight talk androids that will run on the verizon towers? I'm looking at the Samsung proclaim, Motorola defy xt, and a Samsung s950c galaxy s that is only sold in a limited amount of stores. Going by the reviews I've found the Samsung s950c galaxy s looks to me to be the best choice for me but I'm not sure.

I currently have a Droid 4 and realize it will be a downgrade but cannot justify or afford the $190 a month for 2 phones anymore. I just need to figure out which of these 3 phones are the best choice.
I can understand why someone would want to do this. If you have a perfectly good phone why buy another one if you can make it work. I don't know about everyone else but I pefer not to spend anymore money that I have to.
I went to Straight Talk and grabbed the Samsung Proclaim. It runs on the Verizon towers, so the signal seems to work okay. I drove by where I can but I couldn't get down in because of the snow I did seem to have a signal though at the top of the lane, so I'm still hoping I will have signal at Camp I should if the Verizon towers are okay. my daughter bought the Huwai or somethung with that type of spelling that also runs on Verizon towers and she says she doesn't have any trouble she lives in a more rural area where there are spots that can be bad but she says it's working fine. I am still looking at the Samsung Galaxy S 950 C it has a larger screen which with my clumsy fingers will be a good thing but I have to drive over 2 hours to get to a Walmart that sells it.

I did ask customer service if by any chance they might have a BYOP program with a CDMA phone in the future. customer service told me that as of right now they don't but keep my eyes out on the website and look for updates in the future. it sure would be nice to bring my own phone if I could but as of right now you can't use a CDMA phone with straight talk unless it is one of their phones you purchase from them.

as far as the Pro claim works on the straight talk verizon tower network I haven't had any issues with dropped calls and browsing websites is quicker then I thougjt it eould be. syncing all my stuff with my google account has worked flawlessly. my only complaint eith the Samsung Proclaim is the smaller screen size, my eyes aren't ad young ad they used yo be along with clumsy fingers makes typing on screen something to get used yo. this is the first phone I've owned without a physical keyboard. I've only been with Straight talk for just undet two weeks so still getting used to the new phone.
please forgive my bad spelling in my post. trying to make sure I hit the right letters but it still messes up.