So many stupid apps running


New Member
Dec 1, 2010
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This is absolutely idiotic. I have:
Pico TTS
Voice Dialer
Skype (the worst)
Google Maps
Google Search

I use NONE OF THEM. I don't understand why I should not be able to kill them. The phone is mine, right? I can destroy it if I choose (and still pay the monthly charge), right? I actually turned two people away from the Droid because of this at a Verizon store.

What I don't understand is why VZW thinks running all this crap helps the phone experience. Most people cannot task through the different running apps. They would have to tap an icon anyway, so what's the big advantage of having these cheesy apps running all the time?

And what starts them running? Sometimes, nothing runs for a while. And then, like roaches, they seem to multiply.

And of course the dishonesty on VZW's part when you go to Applications->Running Services and force stop Skype. The lying message says it won't run until I start it up. Of course, that's a deliberate lie.

I like the Droid a lot, but this implementation really sucks. Is it the same with other carriers? Can someone find out how to alter the start up schedule for the apps? Somewhere there has to be a file which lists which apps to start up.

Applications running in the background do no harm - that is how Android is programed to work and it is highly efficient, just not what most of us are used to and therefore difficult to understand at first

As far as the applications that you do not use and want gone from your phone you can easily root your device and uninstall these factory installed (bloatware) applications - if it is something you are interested in we can get you going in the right direction
I thought rooting with VZW Droids was impossible.
It is very possible - chances are that more than half of our community either is rooted or was at one point in time -

...let me dig around and see what I can find on rooting the Dinc :)
I also am a little dubious about the battery life issue (i.e., battery life not being affected by all these apps running; I'm on my third battery. I get about 1/2 day on a recharge.)

One thing app killers are good for, as far as I can tell, is to kill the camera, which I imagine takes up a lot of power to keep the lens focused etc. (Right? No?).

But more to the point about the apps, I absolutely do not need MP3 or Skype or CityID$$$ running. And isn't it true that if I want them, I can tap on the icon? So what's the huge advantage of having all these things running if I never use them? Stocks? Slacker? I just don't get it. How am I benefited? And isn't the phone for my benefit, basically?
I say wait it out until there's a custom rom out there for the phone. I use to have the exact same issue with my Evo until I tried out a few different roms. It had gotten rid of a lot of useless apps and they made it so there was no need for a task killer. It nearly trippled my battery life.

Before I had downloaded the rom, I just had my phone to auto kill certain program whenever id put the phone in sleep mode which was good and bad, it was great since it did improve my battery life but when I had certain programs on auto kill such as the web browser, it would suck to lose my place whenever id turn it off..

Hope this helps

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Dude first off, you seriously need to calm down, breathe deep and relax. Its a smartphone, its designed competely from any non smarphone or computer based device you've ever used. vzw is not out to suck your soul via running applications you don't use. If you truly want to masts and own your droid, learn how to root it and you can become its master in any way you seem fit.

Did that sound hoaky and weird? Good, because that's what your posts sounds like also. Chill, its a freakin phone, not a religion

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I know it's only a phone, but I feel that its MY phone. I totally own it. As I said, I can destroy it with no penalty, as long as I keep paying on my contract. So, I don't understand, and so far, no one has explained, why it is to my advantage that Stocks and MP3 runs constantly. What is the advantage?

As for rooting it, I am not opposed to doing that. I am a programmer so I assume it's not difficult for me but it bothers me that I have to dig into the OS to make sure the phone runs as I want it to.

And again, as to the battery life issue, mine lasts 1/2 day (and it's about 3 weeks old). It's my third.
Oh, one more thing: When I discussed this with VZW technical assistance, everyone I spoke with told me they use task killers as well to get rid of the junk. So, it's not just me getting my panties all twisted.
Of course they would say to use task killers, because they don't know any better. That's were places and people like this come to save the day

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Just remember Ron...if you want to buy a phone go to Verizon, if you want to learn how to use it come here. You are in the right place!

~ App ~
Like you only a month ago, I was a non smartphone user and actually despiser. I come from years of windows based using and thinking, which DOES NOT apply to android os based phones in the least. I also was a big task killer believer, cause vzw reps said so, until I read this link. Since then, ill never touch them again. Read and be enlightened padawn

Sent from my DROIDX
Like you only a month ago, I was a non smartphone user and actually despiser. I come from years of windows based using and thinking, which DOES NOT apply to android os based phones in the least. I also was a big task killer believer, cause vzw reps said so, until I read this link. Since then, ill never touch them again. Read and be enlightened padawn

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We have the same issue with ex Blackberry people. Always worried about apps running in the background. Read the link Freezetron provided it will be helpful for you.
Totally off point. What value does mp3 or Skype have for me? And what advantage to having them run in the background? The video I saw from the Google Android team leader was misleading. He said the OS loads apps it thinks I will need. But I've never run Skype or mp3 and never will