Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 7" Issues


Nov 20, 2009
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Bought one off Amazon. Have had unpacked for about 30 minutes and I'm already sending it back. Got to where I could set up my Google Account and then it started giving me messages telling me various Google Services have stopped running so I can't run any Google apps. Started with Google Play Services and has moved to just about everything else. In the mean time, it did an update for Android--was hoping it would fix the didn't. Now it restarts every minute or so in between the constant messages telling me the various Google Services have stopped.. I can't even get into settings so I can wipe it clean before sending it back.

Any ideas on how I can wipe it clean since it did sync my email and I'd prefer NOT to send it back with that info on it.
Figured it out. Hold down power, volume up and home button during startup. Get into debug and can wipe it there.