Question about storage card


Active Member
Dec 26, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Current Phone Model
Samsung GS5
I want to move all my photos, videos and music files to my new 128gb card. Will my gallery app and music apps be able to find that stuff once I move it?
Your music app will be able to see it but may not be able to automatically index it. Some do, some don't.
Where is the default folder (on the phone and not the card) for music and photos??? I'm not finding things...specially music.
I have a podcast app on my S5. It's called coast to coastam. I was trying to swap the app and podcasts to my SD card. I swapped the app over from the app managers area. I however can not find the podcasts. I could not find the podcasts before I swapped it. When I swapped it the app said it was about 2G but hardly anything swapped over. Thanks for the help. I am a novice. I have a 32g san disk ultra for a memory card. I've been reading that the Samsungs don't like the SanDisk cards?
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