Pro Zoom Camara 5x - Unstable...


Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
I did a factory reset last week and I am slowly adding back the relatively small number of apps I had installed. I had been getting random Droid lock-ups and decided it was time to wipe it and see where the problems start as I slowly reinstall my apps.

After the reset, I put a few of the most important apps back on: SplashID, Google Maps, AK Notepad and Astro. 100% reliability for a number of days, just like the first six weeks of Droid ownership.

Pro Zoom 5x was next - so I installed it yesterday. First thing I got when I ran it was a FC - nice. Then, it gave me an error that my Gallery doesn't exist, unless I put a file from PZ5x in it. If I deleted the file created in PZ5x? My gallery didn't exist again.

Everything was perfect until this app was installed. Still, it hasn't done a random lock-up yet, so I am not sure that PZ5x was the/a culprit, but this does not bode well for the stability of this app.

I'll keep an eye on it over the next week, and if the reliability/stability of my Droid drops again, it's PZ5x that will be the first to go.


Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
Seems like my Droid is doing fine with Pro Zoom 5x. I've been exploring all the nooks/crannies of this app (I am snowed-in!) and it's been hanging in there just fine.

I want to add that the developers of this app have been more than responsive/interactive/dedicated to addressing my issues that was triggered by forwarding the app log when the app initially crashed.

Thought I'd pass that on for those of you considering buying this app.