please help on finding this app!


Feb 8, 2010
Reaction score
Oakland, CA
Is there an app that if you loose your phone you can send a message and it will delete everything or erase everything even your memorycard memory?
I lost my droid saturday and had tons of family pictures in there plus passwords to different stuff and i know its too late now but id like to install it on my new phone.
Please help
I believe there are a couple different apps. Mobile Defense, WaveSecure, and possibly Lookout all have that capability, I think.
I know WaveSecure can do that, plus give you the ability to track and lock the phone remotely, as well as a companion app that makes it impossible to remove it :)
I just purchased Wavesecure. Its freakin awesome.
lookout doesn't have that option but you can get "lost phone" and that will enable you to send a message to lock your phone (requiring a password to unlock), locate it, and one to set max volume and set a siren.
lookout also can make your phone "squeal" if it is missing. you just have to log into the website and it will send a message to your phone. I also will locate it through gps and/or towers.