Pending MMS?


Nov 10, 2009
Reaction score
My phone for whatever reason just started giving me issues with MMS pics. I send the pic like normal and it has the white envelope with the green ! next to it. And if I do a long press and check status, it says "pending".

I don't know what I did but does anyone have any ideas?
My Droid was doing something similar with Handcent this weekend. I'd attach and send the picture, however, it would display the spinning 'working' animation indefinitely until I killed Handcent. It did this repeatedly, even with good signal strength. I eventually gave up and just attached the picture in an email with K9.

I did see that Handcent listed MMS resolutions on the changelog for the version that was released this weekend, but I haven't tested it yet.

I'm also not sure why there are no audible alerts for notifications for emails or text messages now, seems like those stopped working over the weekend too.