Newly entered contacts not showing up


New Member
Dec 27, 2009
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I have tried to enter short versions of already entered contacts to use as shortcut/widgets. I enter them on the the phone and gmail contacts list. They never show up on the contacts list. IE: I have all my husbands info/various phone numbers, then try to just put in his mobile number under his first name for a shortcut widget, it doesn't show up????? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, Thanks, Mary
Two things:

First, the contacts will merge any contacts that it identifies as the same into a single contact. So when you create that second version of your husband with just his first name, as soon as you hit "done" it merges that with the already existing one because it matches the first name and mobile phone number. This is convenient when you have several accounts with duplicate contacts as it will not display multiple versions of the same contact. In your case it is a small nuisance. You can however go to the contact, then menu, then separate. This will give you 2 separate contacts.

Second, you are going to more trouble than really necessary if you are simply trying to make a speed dial shortcut for your husband's cell. You can simply go to your home screen, menu, add, shortuct, direct dial, then find his cell in the contact list. It will list each phone number separately so you can choose which number for each contact you want to use for direct dial shortcuts. This method will not allow you to change his name to display first name only however.

Hope that helped,
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Thank you so very much, that makes sense. Your fix suggestion is wonderful.
Appreciative, Mary
Also you may want to open your contacts up then go into settings and choose display options then select what contacts you want to be displayed. I had to check "All Other Contacts" to bring up all the info I had entered. Hope that helps.
Thank you Gisboro for your instructions about the display options for contacts. After spending more than an hour trying to figure out why I couldn't see a new contact I'd entered, and then another hour searching the User Guide, I found this.