The OS is android 2.1 but Motorola has made some changes that add the sleek look that you got right out of the box. Some of the cool features of that phone compared to the Droid is that it can take panoramic pictures. Some people say that you need to run Advanced Task Killer Free but others say that Motorola made it so that you don't need to. There is a wifi widget that you can download that allows you to turn the wifi on and off with a click (you don't have to go through settings). Google Voice gives you free text messaging and calls which is a life saver if you don't have unlimited text. I only use it for international calls or if its long distance. If you like there is many apps that allow you to open the chat, My favorite is Go!Chat. Shazam is a cool app that tells you the name of just about any song and they give you an option to buy the song, It goes through These are a couple of apps that should get you started, If you can give me a question I can better assist you.
Thanks for the info, ive been messing with it since i got it downloading apps like crazy, I wish the speaker was a little louder but its a great phone. The screen is awesome. I have yet to plug it up to my HD tv.
I/m wondering if there is an app that can set up sound profiles like the blackberry did. (Had a BB before)