New to forums, not to Android


New Member
Jul 20, 2010
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA. USA
Hey everyone, My name is Tony, I live in Sacramento, CA. USA where I am a student at CRC (Cosumnes River College). I'm studying geology in hopes of getting my BS in Geology and off to a PhD.

I'm by no means new to Android, just the forums. Though I've perused the forums for quite a while (avid reader of this and

I've been rooted for a long while, and have stuck with Sapphire (0.7.0) due to its stability and just generally awesome power. If someone can convince me otherwise, I'll consider it.

I'm in the process of upgrading to Sapphire 0.8.4, but I've had issues doing this, and asked my question in the CVPCS forum, hopefully sniffle or some other knowledgeable person will answer.

My first Android device was the G1 from T-Mobile which I stuck with until I switched to Verizon last year, which is when I got my pride and joy, my Droid.

I have no plans on switching to Droid X, perhaps Droid 2 but we'll see judging by the bootloader lock and all the security crap that motorola and verizon have instituted. I like to be free, which is why I'll likely stick with my Droid 1.

I'm in the process of finishing an app for DHD (Doghouse Diaries, webcomic). Ran into issues, what with all the update crap. But now I have the SDK for 2.2 so I should be good to continue on this app.

Thats about all, I think.

:greendroid: -MegaMod- :greendroid: